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The time has finally come; Capture the flag. You've trained extra hard for this day, even getting to the point that you know how to disarm a sword with just your dagger. But in a fight against someone that has been here longer than you, you will most likely need the upper hand.

You go through the day as usual, until it reaches dinner then the fun begins. You and Percy smile as the two teams come out; red and blue.

"Athena has allied with Apollo and Hermes." Chiron announces, "While Ares has allied to Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite, and Hephaestus."

The two teams bring out their respective flags as armor and weapons appear on the tables. You grab the nearest dagger and a small shield so you can move around easily and stealthily.

You and your allies march to your respective locations, but you get curious why you were made to guard the river along with Percy. But you were happy to at least have a prominent role, despite having just a dagger and small shield.

You stay low in the shadows, practically becoming one with them. And that's when you see Clarisse and her gross companions.

They end up pushing Percy around until you can't take anymore, you manage to take two out but you're too late as Percy get pushed closer to the river.

You decide to just leave Clarisse to him and take the remaining two. "Hey, lug heads!"

The two Ares kids turn to you, just realizing you knocked their half-siblings out. They both charge you as Clarisse pushes Percy closer and closer to the river.

You dodge a swing that would have lodged right into your shoulder and what they are doing comes to your mind; they are going for the kill.

You have no idea why they would try to kill you, seeing as no one would believe that you took two of Ares' kids out with just a dagger.

As you're getting pushed further and further into the forest Percy is getting shoved down in the water.

But as soon as you reach the forest you feel better than ever, your parry some attacks, causing one of them two turn around. Getting a little cocky you use the flat of your dagger to slap their rear.

A grin is displayed on your face as you anger them so much that their minds are clouded beyond belief. And at this point you are easily able to knock them out. Your grin grows as you see Percy snap Clarisse's spearhead off clean.

You turn to the cheers as Luke crosses the river with the Ares flag, which promptly turns into the Athena flag.

You run up to Percy, "We did it!" You lead him out of the river and cheer with the rest of them as a low, gravelly growl comes out of no where. It sends a chill down everyone's spine horribly, yet you are almost used to it? Even though this is the first time hearing it.

The growl gains a horrid body and lunges at Percy, but before your reflexes can kick in and kill it, the beast chews on him.

You drive your dagger into its neck before you get an idea; to bring Percy into the water. You saw him gain energy from the river and you've heard that he was about to get a swirly from Clarisse before the water drenched her and her friends. Yet left him dry.

You pick him up and quickly bring him into the water, and your theory was proven true as his wounds close and a small trident appears above his head.

Slowly everyone drops to a knee, even Clarisse, as they notice the sign of Poseidon. Chiron takes Percy away to talk to him, and you decide to just go about your day.

You head to the Hermes cabin for the night and lay down, staring at the ceiling. Waiting for the moment the cabin leader tells everyone to go to sleep. You felt a sense of loneliness as Percy wasn't there to talk to before lights out.

You head off to sleep but for once you don't have a nightmare, yet in place of it is a man and woman who radiate a powerful feeling. Looking around you realize you are in the presence of the god Hades and goddess Persephone.

"How did I get here?" You think to yourself, deciding to listen in on what they're saying you hear that they are discussing something about Zeus's masterbolt. Whatever it is but before they continue they notice you.

"How did a demigod get down here?" Persephone questions.

You awake with a jolt and see everyone else waking up around you.

Getting up you quickly get dressed and head to breakfast, going through the same routine as always.

You put a dagger you got from one of the Hephaestus kids you befriended and in turn you gave them a book of weapons throughout history.

Anyways you go to leave to the docks when Percy, Annabeth, and a Satyr approach you.

"What's up?" You ask, getting an explanation of the quest they want you to tag along with. "Okay, well when should we meet up to leave?"

"When you've packed some clothes and money meet us in the big house." The trio turns and heads to said building after handing you a backpack.

Heading to the Hermes cabin you grab the backpack they gave you and put some changes of clothes and all the money you could scrounge up.

Walking out you sigh and turn to the big house, mentally preparing yourself for the adventure.

A/n; there's chapter three! The second chapter of December!

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