Tall, dark, handsome and sexy at same time. Friend with tee and kimmon. Have power to make any one to fall in love with him as soon as they lay their eyes on him. And most recent crush of tee. Most casonova of the group. Have brotherly feeling for kimmon. When first time he seen copter he fall in love with that baby boy and confused about his own feeling to tee.
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(2) TEE :
Small, tiny and cute. Friend with tae and kimmon. Any one see him being cute and all want to pack him up and take him to home. Have beautiful eyes and face. Have crush on tee at same time have little felling for his best friend of Kim.
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(3) kimmon :
Tall, handsome and sexy More than tae (from Tee's perspective 😉😉). Friend with tae and tee. Have feeling for tee but afraid to express it. But ready to let go him happily for his happiness.
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(4) Copter:
Cute, tiny, beautiful, have soft skin and short hight make fall in love with his charm anyone within a minute. Tee's foreign friend. Help tee to know about his confused felling about tae and Kim. And help him to get together with tae and finally he himself fall for Kimmon's charm.
Another character will introduce as story begin. See you Soon folks.
Hope you give your love to this story. Do vote and comment. See you soon with first chapter. Love you 😘