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Tee's pov:

The whole ride back to home I didn't Uttar a single word. I just hold Kim's hand and sat silently. Say I was scar to lost best buddy like him. But deep down inside my heart I am thanking all gods in heaven to keep him all right. And he let me to hold his hand infact he pull me towards his side of sit and put is another hand on mine which already holding his.

"Tee don't worry buddy, you can't be free from me that easily" he wink.

"What the ..." yeah what the hell he is thinking. Here I am scared to the core and he has nerve to do Joke.

"Ok ok I am sorry. I will not teas you. Fine?" He still holding my hands in his.

As we reach home I got text from tae saying, "I will be out for tonight. Take care of yourself and Kim"

I know sometimes he need some alone time. He will be ok by tomorrow on his own. I replied back," it's
Ok take your time and don't over drink."

"It's tae texted you?" Out of no where Kim stand behind me and ask

"Ahhhh you scared me😒"

"Yeah he will be out for tonight" I reply while opening the door lock.

"Means I can sleep in your room right??"

Yeah he will again take disadvantages of the situation and sleep with me. Yeah yeah I know it's not fair with tae that I love Kim and I sleep in one room with tae. But because of my stupid habit of hugging people who ever sleep besides me. I can't allow Kim to sleep in my room. What if he found out about me having crush on him.

Huh it's the scenario every time when tae is not at home for sleeping Kim come to sleep on his place saying,

"What he will gonna do if someone might kidnap me or tae's place is so comfy"

"Yeah whatever you like" I try to sound like I didn't like this at all. But who I am making fool. I really love to sleep besides him. He has that husband figure in my eyes when he sleep with me  first time when tae is out for a week. I feel so happy right now.

We sleep silently I turned my back on the right side away from kim, so I can hide my blushing face.

Kim's pov:

I feel so uncomfortable with this akward silence. I break the ice turning tee towards me holding his shoulder.

"Tee, turn around. I need to ask you something."

He turn little bit only.

"Sleep Kim it's already midnight. You have classes tomorrow in the morning."

He dynie to turn. But I can't stand this silent treatment anymore. I want to clear the things with him. I want to ask him about his earlier encounter with tae.

"No tee it's ok the thing I want to talk is more important. Please turn around." I am so determine about asking him.

"Ahhh...m... Say then" he turn towards me.

"Ammmm.... Before I faint earlier I seen you are going to confess to tae about your feelings right? Isn't it?" I ask how I wish it's not true.

" you hear all those...? He is little hesitant.

"Yeah I did. Did you told him about your true feelings?" Out of curiosity I ask.

" Kim it's not what you...." Before he explain any  further I cut  him off.

"Wait tee before you tell me something just listen to me once." I try to calm down my self first. I want to tell him about my own felling towards him. I don't mind if he choose tae over me but I just want to tell him about it. As long as he is happy with tae I am ready to give up. I need to tell me how much I love him, how much I adore him. Because he behaves like he already fell in love deeply with tae from the very first day. Once he seen tae with some girl he run to me and told.

"Kim.....Kim...sob....sob... today I seen tae with girl. Kim I don't stand a chance with him. I lost him kim....I lost him before I get him Kim..."

That day I just let him hug me and cry. I didn't try to console him nor did I tell him my feelings. I just let him be. There is true love he carries for tae clearly seen. And I thought he has regrete about it now after getting hurt.

That's why before he got his heartbroke again I want to told him that he is not alone. No matter what I will always be his side no matter what.


So many of you still in confusion but will clear it by next two chapter. Hope you are not lost interest in this story 😭 thanks still keep supporting 😍😍

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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