I am not in my right mind now. I am hugging to my pillow tightly as if my life depended on it. Hey!!!!! But wait pillows don't breath and.....and mine is breathing rapidly. I freaking out. Slowly reality hits me. I was in car with tae returning to home. Tae told me to sleep and why the hell I slept???😣😣 Shiyaaa what if he came to knows about the nightmares I am having. What if I blabbered out something in my sleep. Those all what if and but running in my head I try to shake my head to blow out those thoughts. While some one tightly hug me in bone crush hug. Wait is this mean I was hugging human like real human being and not to my pillow 🙄.
Slowly I open my eyes and the scene come out in front of my vision makes me dig my own grave and burry there for the rest of my life. Tae is hugging me while carsing my back with smoothing word to make me calm down. "It's ok tee I am here. You need not have to worry at all."
"Tae.... Tae I am ok you can free me now...." I try to break the hug and shift on my place. There is that worried look on his face. He is worried for me. Wait!!!! What??? Tae...tae is worried for me. OMG I want to shout on the top of my lungs. Hey but wait was I passed some information to him in my sleep or....no no it can't be happened. No never, if this is the case I am dead.
" Hey!!!! Buddy are you ok now? You were severing in your sleep continuesly. You don't have fever than why your face become so red all of sudden." Tae has so much question for me in his bag. He is completely in shock. I feel pity for him that he have to see me in this kind of situation.
"Ye.....yes tae I am ok now. Ammmmm thanks tae for bringing me here." All of sudden my cheek feels so hot remembering how he carried me here in our apartment and damn who changed my clothes i am not in my uniform anymore. I am in my night pajamas. Did....did he do th......
"Don't worry I did change your clothes but you are still a virgin." He told me with smirk. I am blushing really hard. How dare he to say something like this so casually.
" I closed my eyes all the time while changing your clothes. You are so sweaty and your body is feel so hot. Sorry It got me no other option." There is guilty all over his face watching my expression on his earlier statement as if he did some crime. I feel sudden urge to give him hug.
"It's ok tae I can understand thanks for everything. Don't feel guilty it's not your fault anyway." I try to coax him. Poor soul he is nothing to do with my current situation. It me who is so weak in front of him. I approach him and pull him in my embrace. Firstly he doesn't react to my hug but as soon as I take his hand and put on my own waist he hug me back.
" Tae please don't say any word now. Please listen to me. Just for once." I am hell nervous but now it's situation like 'now or never'. If I don't clear this up right now then I will be in big trouble. He already heard me out in my sleep calling Kimmon's name so there is no chance of hidding it now. I want to tell him that I was in love with kimmon. It's true that I have feeling for tae but for kimmon I feel something else more than best friend. I hug him tightly and don't even loose my hold on his attempt to freed him self. After my statement of assurances some how he calm down and just stand still in my hug as if gave me permission to proceed what ever I am going to do.
"Tae....tae I.....I know it's so sudden...and I know I had made this stupid rule 'not to fall in love with your best friend ever'. But believe I did broke my own rule long back. Yes tae I am in love with my best friend. I am sorry if you feel disgust with me but it's the bitter truth of my life......I was in love with....."
I didn't get chance to complete my confession and the 'thuddd' sound make both of us break apart and rush towards the body which is lifelessly fall on the ground. We rush towards Kimmon's body. I sit near Kimmon's body and put his head on my lap. My heart skip a bit watching him like this. What the hell I am going to do. The love of my life on front of me laying lifelessly without giving response to my plea. We rush to the hospital.
Tae's pov:
I don't know what he is going to tell me. As he not let me break the hug I got to know this is going to be big matter. I really hope that he trlle that he is in love with me. But before he finish there kimmon is fell lifelessly on the ground. I Rush towards the kimmon and try to walk him up.
"Tee come here see what happened to him he is not responding." I know tee is going to told me biggest secret of his life but his confession can wait right now the matter is kimmon our best buddy. He is first priority right now. But tee didn't move an inch from his place.
"What the fuck tee can't you help me....?" I shout to him for the first time in my life I Shout on him the person occupied big place in heart I shout on that person. I will apologize to him later but right now the kimmon is matters the most.
He rush towards Kimmon's body sit near his head put Kimmon's head in his lap while crying silently but not a single tear came out from his eyes. We rush towards the hospital.
Kimmon's pov:
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I was heading back to our apartment with heavy heart. I didn't care to take taxi and start to Walk through the road which will take more than one hour to read our apartment. But who the hell care when I reach. After one and half hour of long walking my legs feel like jelly and my heart racing faster than usual. But this things not make me any weaker than I am right now. When I open the door with spar key and reach to Tee's room what I seen give me heart attack. I feel my heart stop beating which was beating fast moment ago. I hear tee is going to confess to tae his love. Suddenly I feel electric current pass through out my body and I feel unconscious. Only I can see is darkness.....
Hope you enjoy dear reader 🥰 So sorry in advance for this ghost ship 😁 don't hate me na. It's my poor heart craving for this story to read. I don't find any so try to make one. Hope you cooperate ☺️☺️