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"i guess i have one more day, huh?" corbyn whispered.

it was eight o'clock at night and the ninth day was ending, they were lying in a cornfield that had been abandoned by some farmers years ago. the dry hay tickled daniel in the neck, but he didn't complain at all. he was right next to corbyn, his shoulders barely touching, and they were both looking at the sunset.

"i guess so." the blue-eyed boy murmured feeling nervous. he hadn't even thought about their deal during these last days.

had it really been nine days?

a shiver went down his spine, as daniel looked at the boy next to him, who seemed defeated and disappointed, but still determined.

daniel licked his dry lips, wondering why he hadn't scared corbyn yet. nine days had passed, most of the people who knew about him would have already escaped. but why doesn't corbyn do it?

"the days went by much faster than i thought." corbyn said, so quietly that it was barely audible.

daniel let out a low laugh. "yes, they did indeed."

"i wish they hadn't, though..." corbyn sighed leaving the sentence unfinished. he had his green eyes fixed on the sunset.

daniel turned to him, so that his body was facing him. raising an eyebrow and then he asked. "what do you mean by that?"

corbyn seemed restless, as if he hadn0t yet discovered what he meant. besides, he didn't even dare to look at daniel even though he was noticing the piercing look of his blue eyes. he reached behind his neck, while scratching it nervously. "i don't know." the blonde boy sighed. "i mean, i really had a lot of fun these last days. i don't want it to end. but what will happen when you decide to leave? i'm going to spend the rest of my life wondering what could have done something better to save you. "

daniel felt his heart sink to the bottom of his stomach, while swallowing saliva. never in his life have he felt so many emotions at the same time. there was happiness, sadness, and even guilt.

corbyn interrupted his thoughts with a bitter laugh that never reached those beautiful green eyes of him.

"i can say that you aren't happy for the expression on your face." daniel said forcing corbyn to look at him.

he smiled faintly, pulling away a blonde hair out of daniel's front, something he now regularly did. "don't blame yourself, okay? i got into this, remember? " corbyn replied.

daniel's mind returned the first day, he was only a centimeter from falling down the cliff, when corbyn came and pushed him aside.

'give me ten days, and i can give you ten reasons not to die.' corbyn paused and looked like it was having the worse time ever. worse than daniel. 'and if i can't make you change your mind by then, you can jump off that cliff.'


later that night, corbyn took him back to the orphanage. it was half past nine, and probably all the children were already asleep. daniel had missed dinner tonight, and he was sure that sister grace would have been angry with him. but when he entered the orphanage with corbyn, sister grace came running towards him with a large manila envelope in her hands.

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