Chapter 22

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***Lisa's POV***

I'm at the company, looking over at the quarterly report the director sent me. I've been visiting the company only twice a year, thus the report I need to review and sign piled up. There are some that are being sent online, but there are reports that are sensitive and need to be reviewed personally. We have people who sometimes go to Korea just to hand me those reports.

My thoughts were interrupted when I received an incoming video call on my laptop.

“Hey,” I greeted with a smile when I saw the face on the screen.

“Lisa-yah, when are you going to pick me up?” Jennie asked.

“Why? Are you getting bored in the restaurant?” I asked her. I left her in the restaurant this morning. She said she didn't want to come with me because she knew I would be very busy in the company.

“No! Nana is keeping me entertained by teaching me some basic Thai menus. But I wanna go out and visit different places here in Thailand!” She said while pouting.

I looked at the clock.


“I will be there before 7 PM, then we will take a stroll tonight, you like that?” God I feel like I'm talking to a child!

“7?? That's too long! Can you make it by 6 PM instead??” She gave me that puppy look again.

And who am I to say no to this kid?

“6 it is then,” I said while smiling.

“Yey! See you in few hours! Bye!” I didn't even get to reply when she ended the video.

I chuckled before continuing to read the reports in front of me.

Whenever I go to Thailand, I spent almost the entire day and night just to read all the important reports. Running two companies and a restaurant is really no joke.

My father already gave me the agency, he said he's already old and just wanted to spend his remaining years traveling to places he yet to see, but that's just him being dramatic. He's still strong as a horse! But running the agency is the least I can do for him, after everything he has done for me.

I focused on the reports, making sure to finish them on time because I have a kid I need to pick up.


Only 25 minutes left before 6. I closed my laptop and called my secretary to give last minute reminders, guess I would have to come by again tomorrow.

Thoughts of last night entered my mind. And no, no sexy time happened. Jennie really did take a hot bath in my bathroom and after she finished, she bid goodnight and went to her room, the end.

I arrived at the restaurant at 1805H, and saw Jennie waiting for me outside.

Uh-oh, guess I need to make up for the 5 minutes late.

“Hey, Nini!” I greeted her enthusiastically when she entered the car.

“You're late!” She said.

“By 5 minutes only,” I said while driving.

“Still!” She said. She's really stubborn!

“Okay okay! Let me make it up to you,” I told her.

“Are you sure?” She looked at me with those eyes that told me she's up to something not good.

Can I take what I said back?

“When was I never sure?” I said instead.

“Very well then! You better keep your promise!” She said grinning.

The Heiress and The Bodyguard [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now