1 Going To Gravity Falls

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Hi I'm Alcor stars or as my human family knows me Mason 'dipper' pines. I am a demon but my family doesn't know that. And plan to keep it that way. I live with my human parents in Piedmont, California.

Dipper's pov
My parents called me down stairs with Mabel. "commmming!" mabel yelled. 'i wish she could be quite😒' i thought. "mabel, mason we are going to have a work trip this summer so you two are going to gravity falls with your great uncle stanley and stanford. Go pack your leaving in 1 hour" my mother said. "ok!" mabel yelled again. I just walked to my room and started to pack.

Time skip.

When i was done the bus was hier. "bye mom and dad" mabel said. So we went to the bus and climbed on. Well mabel jumped around, i just thought about gravity falls 'wasn't gravity falls a place for weirdness, o this will be fun. Wen mabel is gone i can go to the nightmare realm.' I slowly fell asleep. But i don't dream so i go to my mindscape because I'm part dream demon.

Time skip.

I woke up to mabel shaking me. "dipper, dipper wake up. We're here." "ok ok I'm up." mabel grabbed her bag and stepped out of the bus. We were met by two old men waiting for us.

"hi kids, you must be our niece and nephew

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"hi kids, you must be our niece and nephew. It's good to see you I'm stanley but you can call me grukle stan and he's my brother ford." stan said. "greetings." "oh hi I'm mabel and this is dipper." we began walking to a car and drove to a place called mystery shack. "ok because you're old enough to have your own room were giving mabel the room upstairs and dipper downstairs. I'll show mabel her room." stan said. Ford led me to my room that looked like this

 Ford led me to my room that looked like this

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"thanks grukle ford." "your welcome, nou get unpacked" When i knew that ford was gone, i snaped my fingers and i was done. "grukle ford I'm going to the woods for the rest of the day goodbye" "be safe!" i walked out of the shack into the woods.

I made a portal to the nightmare realm or more precise my home.

"a i can finally be in my demon form

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"a i can finally be in my demon form.

Time skip

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Time skip.

I made a portal back to the woods. 'i wish I could stay in the nightmare realm😔' i then began to walk back to the shack.

Bill's pov.

I was bored so i decided to go walk in the woods. I spotted a boy walking somewhere, so l followed him. 'i wonder what he's doing here. Wait... Is that a portal, this is no ordinary boy' i walkes trough the portal after him and was nou in front of a mansion. I heard the boy talking to himself "a i can finally be in my demon form away from that human family of mine" 'mmm this is interesting amd wow he looks cute in that form... Wait what... What was i thinking'

Time skip.

Looks like he's going back. He made a portal and walked away. 'maybe i should keep an eye on him'

To be continued....

Alcor the demonWhere stories live. Discover now