Chapter 4 Mabel?

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Dip pov

It's been a day after visiting bill and i was reading a book on my bed. I read till mabel came in with a upset look on her face.

"what's wrong mabel?" i asked. "nothing" i sigh. "mabel i can clearly see something is wrong with you" i said. "it... Its just you've never spent time with me since we've came here!" she yelled.

"mabel we're growing up and i want to be with my friends too. When we were at home you never complained about that your always with your friends. So i want to be with my friends."

"but.. But your not supposed to have friends your supposed to be with me forever. That's why I spread rumors about you."she slapped her hands on her face." dipper i..i didn't mean that "

" your the one who spread the rumors about me! You're my sister, we're supposed to help each other not spread rumors. Some sibling you are!"

" well if you're not going to stay by me den I'm telling mom were coming home. "she said while walking away. 'that bitch she always said she'd find out who was spreading the rumors but it was her' i though while getting my stuff. 'I'm going to the nightmare realm.'

i walk out of the mystery shack and into the forest. I keep walking till I'm in the middle of forest and look around to make sure nobody was following me. I make the portal and walk through. Going to my house and collapsed on my bed. Drifting to sleep

To be continue.

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