3 Date To The Nightmare Realm

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Dipper's pov

I was getting ready to leave the mystery shack to go to my home in the nightmare realm, just as I'm about to leave my sister called for me. "hey dipper, where are you going?" ask mabel. "just going to a friend's house mabel." i said. "o.. ok see you later." "see you later mabel" I walk in to the woods and make a portal to the nightmare realm. When i get there i transform into my demon form.

I walked to my mansion and went to my room to change into a more suitable clothes

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I walked to my mansion and went to my room to change into a more suitable clothes.

Time skip

Just when i finished, i heard a knock at the door. I went to the door and opened it to see bill in clothes that rather suited him.

"hello pinetree dont you look fabulous" bill said

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"hello pinetree dont you look fabulous" bill said. "i can say the same to you bill" i said back. "so where are we going" i asked. "it's a secret pinetree" bill said. "ok let's go" i said.

Time skip

We've been walking around for a while till we're in a clearing with trees surounding it with flowers. "wow bill this is beautiful" i said. "thanks" he said. We sat down and began eating"

Time skip

When we were at my home, bill went on his knee. " pinetree we have were together for a while so i want to ask you if you want to be my boyfriend?" bill asked. "yes! bill i will be your boyfriend!" i said. "i love you pinetree" bill said. "i love you too bill" i said. "so want to have some fun" bill asked. "sure lets go to my room" i said while blushing and pulled him by arm to my room. (you know what happened next).

Time skip

When i woke up, i felt something hugging me. I turned around to see bill stil sleeping. I carefully lifted his arm and stand. 'i guess we are officially mates huh. Lets go look at the mark and bath while I'm at it.' i though as i walked to the bathroom.
I began to fill the bath with warm water and stepped in the warm water. I relaxed in the bath. 'aaah this is nice. I wonder what my mate mark looks like. I already know that Bill's mark on his neck is a star with wings for my demon form and a pinetree on his shoulder for my human form.' i thought. I stood up and got out of the bath. I heard a sound in the bedroom but ignored it in favor to see what my mate mark is. My mate mark is Bill's cute triangle form. When i started to get dressed i felt arm's around my waist. "Bill what are you doing?" i asked. "hugging you and pinetree i have a question for you""what? "i ask." why do i have two mate marks?" bill asked." because i am a demon and a human."i answer." ok. But let's go back to bed""no dear i can't. I have to go back to my human family." "ok I'll see you later and than we kan talk  talking about over the world" bill said. "i look forward to it love." i said as i walk to the door. "i see you later bill. And you can go back to sleep, bye" i said. "bye pinetree." bill said. I walk out and open a portal to gravity falls.

Time skip

I walk to the mystery shack and see mabel. "hey mabel" i said. "hey dipper. What are you doing?" she asked. "i am just going to my room and take a nap" "ok see you later" i walk upstairs to my room and lay down. After a few minutes I fell asleep.

To be continued

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