Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Stella's POV

It been about been at least three weeks since Jake left to help another pack in trouble, but I can't complain anymore.

He calls everyday just to make sure that everything is fine with the pack, me and the babies.

Yes, I said babies. I thought that I'd be having just one but I guess not. Seem like the goddess wanted more than one child for me.

Jake has no clue of what I'm about to tell him, but I think that it's best that he finds out when he gets back.

He said that after this that it'd just be the two for us, plus the baby (he doesn't know about the babies as yet).

The babies thing is what I'm scars about, when you're a werewolf you can have up to 6 babies. I don't want that many babies!

So to keep my mind off it I decided to take over for Gretchen, the old lady at the orphanage in our pack, but just for one day.

Currently I was at the orphanage playing with the kids when the alarms went off. I remembered that Jake said that the alarms mean that the pack was under attack.

For safety reasons we kept a safe house under the orphanage for the ones in the orphanage.

The kids were crying as I was closing the safe door. It can only be opened with a code that only few know and we have a camera inside so we can see what's going on.

The pack worriers have been trained for this fund of stuff, so I started to get nervous when I couldn't contact Jake to tell him that the pack is under attack.

I tried to get the kids to be quiet as I heard the footsteps upstairs.

The started to relax after a while.

I didn't hear the footsteps anymore so I decided to take a look at what the camera can see.

A man, standing directly in front of the camera, staring right at it. It felt as if he was staring right at me and knew that I was staring right back.

The man walked away and came back with Kim in his arms with a knife at her throat and a sign in his hand which he held up to the camera:

"Come out, come out, wherever you are. no one has to die if you'd just come peacefully. I won't have to kill your pack or mate, but its all up to you."

I began to cry as I thought about the pack and my mate, Jake.

I hesitantly walked to the door and went out and licked the kids inside.

As soon as I was out, I was roughly pushed to the floor, I felt the pain in my stomach as I hoped and prayed that the babies were fine.

"Well, she did come out! what a surprise" a female voice said.

I looked up to see the man standing behind a female that I recognized, but just couldn't remember correctly. on the floor was Kim knocked out, I can still hear her breathing.

Right before my vision went black, I felt my mate's presence. He was near and he is coming.

Then everything went black.

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