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Hiiiiiiii! <3

You can be mad. I'm a bad person. I just, this year wasn't my year. At all, it's really hard to get through something you never you'd have until they tell you and you do want to do anything. I lost my cousin 4 months ago, and it's still hard. I been going to therapy for 5 months now too, and it honestly make me feel a lil better but, it doesn't stop my thoughts.

I honestly feel better now, and I've missed you guys all so much! I love anyone who stuck with me. I seriously can't believe you would stick with me after this long of waiting<3 I love you and thank you

Enjoy my butterflies<3


Selena's Pov:

I look at Harry, shocked. What the actual flying fuck? Is Justin serious? "Is he bein' serious 'ight now?" Harry says, mad. I cling onto Dylan. "Mommy?" I look down at my baby, giving him a small smile, "Yes, baby?" I ask him as he looks towards Harry and Zayn who are talking shit about Justin.

"I don't give a shit, he has money yes, but so do we, and we're not letting him take Dylan without a fight," I smile as I hear Zayn, they haven't even gotten to know Dylan fully but would never let harm come his way. "Besides, he thinks suing is gonna stop us? That Canadian kid has another thing coming to him." I see Harry sigh, running a hand through his messy curly hair. "Is this ever gonna end?" Zayn looks at Harry with a smirk, "Now that you have that cutie plus Selena again, I don't think it ever will." I see Harry smiles at us, so I look down and blush, pretending to play with Dylan's hair.

"This is serious, Harry." I hear Zayn say, making Harry sigh before he lets out a annoyed groan. Just then in walked Liam, who is usually the calm one but has a mad expression. "That fucker thinks he's gonna get away, well he isn't! Not if I have anything to do with it." I stare at Liam in shock, oh damn...

"BREAKFAST IS READY BITCHES!" I hear someone yell, before I hear laughter and loud music. The boys all smile, making me confused, "Bry's family sure knows how to wake someone up," Zayn chuckles nodding along with Harry. "HIJA DE TU PUTA MADRE PUES!" Another yells before I hear more laughter. "Oh, hey." Liam say, I look down and see three kids around Dylan's age, giggling and looking at us, each of them holding a sipping cup. "HI!" Dylan, yells. The three of them smile before running inside the room, waving over at Dylan. "Come!" The little blonde with dark eyes says, his cheeks bright pink. Dylan looks at me before looking at Harry, asking permission with his beautiful eye. I nod, Harry smiles and nods. "YAY!" Dylan squeals before running out with them.

"How bout breakfast?" I stand and nod, as Harry wraps an arm around my small waist, pulling me towards him.


We all sat around the large table, laughing and eating. Her family gave no fucks. They talked about everything, they all loved to laugh as well, it was nice. Bry and Niall we actually talking in the backyard alone. "Nah! She wasn't even nice!" One of her aunts say, causing everyone to 'MMMHH' at Bry,'s cousin Jessie. "But she was fine," he augured, causing everyone to throws pieces of their bacon at him which he ate, causing everyone to laugh. "And you?" Bry's dad asks one of her cousins who was on his phone, he blushed and cleared his throat.

"I have a boyfriend," he says and everyone cheers and whistles, which I smiled to, I love that even though he's gay they all accept him, it makes me feel warm inside. Especially now, homophobic people everyone. I see half of Bry's aunts stand up clapping their hands, "GAY POINTS FOR YOU BABY!" They all squealed causing us to all laugh.

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