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6th year at Hogwarts in Potions class.

'Alright class for your homework assignment you will be working on a potion of your and your partners choice' said Professor Slughorn.

'He can't honestly mean any potion' said Ron.

'Seems like it. Hey Hermione want to be my partner?' asked Harry.

But before Hermione could respond Professor Slughorn had informed the class that their partners were already chosen for them.

"Make sure to check the list before you leave class today."said professor Slughorn

Hermione was the first to see who her partner was…

"Malfoy is my partner?!"said Hermione with astonishment.

" No way are you serious?"Said Ron hoping she was joking.

'Why would Slughorn partner you with Malfoy!?'asked Harry

'I don't know but there's no way I'm going to be partners with him.' replied Hermione as she walked towards Professor Slughorn.

'Professor how come I got Malfoy as my partner? This must have been a mistake right?' asked Hermione

'Look Miss Granger I know you and Mister Malfoy don't get along but he seems to be slacking of and your the only student that I know can actually get him to work on the project because I'm positive that you won't go doing it all by yourself now would you?' said professor Slughorn

'Well no but--' Hermione tried but stopped once she saw slug horn raise his hand meaning he would not change his mind.

Draco's POV:

I guess I'll go and see who I got since this is a group project not that I really care draco thought to himself.

Once he saw Hermione's name by his, he couldn't believe it ,he let his rage take over his feelings.

'There is no way I'm working with that filthy little mudblood!' yelled Draco.

'Mister malfoy that type of language is not tolerated here you now have detention and after you go meet miss Granger in the library.'said Professor Slughorn.

Draco gave Hermione a bitter look and took of without another to be said.

Hermione's POV

I don't know why he had to be so rude its only a project after all.

'Mione wait up' I heard someone say behind me. She stopped and saw it was Ron and Harry coming toward her.

'We didn't notice you left the class' said Ron

'Oh sorry I didn't notice you guys were still there.' Said Hermione

'Its alright but what did Slughorn say?'said Harry

'I have to do it since he's falling behind in his studies' replied Hermione

'Is he now ? Don't you think that's a bit odd?'asked Harry

'Harry don't start again we can't jump to conclusions we must know for sure' Said Hermione

'Alright' Harry said defeated

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