Chapter 10

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It had been exactly one month since her arrival in the world of diapers. Despite the odd feeling she felt at the start, the warmth she finds in those around her made her feel more serene than the world she was in before. She also found the diapers rather comforting now than anything else. It really did give her a way out of the restroom—for good. And that was something Nano decided to stick with—by not going back to her own world.

Getting up to starting her day, Nano noticed how soaked up her diaper was. It was in definite need of a change. So the first thing Nano would need to do for the day was to change, as there was no telling when she might end up using it again.

Throughout the past month, Nano's continuous use of her diapers weighed on her body rapidly. Little did she ever know when she'd wet herself, nor even mess herself. When she used her diapers, she just ended up using them for their purpose—protect one's own mess. And quite frankly, Nano decided to forego her feeling the need to go. Now Nano will question whether or not if a smelly diaper comes from others or even herself.

For today's attire, Nano decided to go with a more casual shirt and a comfy skirt to cover her diaper. She didn't need to worry about dressing for school since she had the day off, but Miki did want to spend the day with Fumiko and her. So the trio were going to spend time over at Miki's house—where they would work on homework and indulge in some shows while chatting. Figuring she'd be out for quite a good length of the day, Nano made sure to pack an extra supplement of diapers in her bag for just in case.

Packing the diapers reminded of Nano to check the one she currently wore—which turned out to be wet. It wasn't that wet, so she decided to change later at Miki's when she will need it more. And this was another added convenience Nano smiled about as she felt her padding. She smiled knowing the day was going to be good.

At Miki's house, Nano greeted Miki and Fumiko who managed to arrive before her at the front door entrance. This surprised Nano as Fumiko had to commute from a bit of a distance with the train to get here. With cheerful smiles, the three walked over to Miki's room. Nano didn't need to worry about saying anything to Miki's parents as they were most likely both at work.

In Miki's medium-sized room, the walls were a plain blue with nothing hanging on it. Any awards Miki obtained went on a dresser in the right corner next to her regular sized blue bed. In the center, she had a short table across from the television in which she'd do her homework on.

The trio got a couple more seats from other rooms of the house to accommodate the company present. Nano took her seat, squishing the lightly damp diaper under her, pulling out her books and a gray mechanical pencil. The subject they were going to start with was mathematics—as it seemed to pose the most stress to Miki.

After an hour of working on the homework, Miki's brain was about to fry, and so the girls decided to take a short break. That was when a smell wafted into Nano's nose. She quickly felt the bottom of her diaper under her skirt—only to feel a decently wet diaper but not a messy one. Miki looked at Nano as if she thought she was the culprit.

Nano rapidly waved her arms, "It wasn't me."

Fumiko stood up, "Yeah, I pooped."

Miki then turned her head towards Fumiko, "Alright." Miki then got up and handed Nano the tv remote. "Here, you can find us something to watch while I change her."

Fumiko smiled as she walked out with Miki, "thanks for your help." Miki smiled back as she walked behind her.

As Nano began to search through the programs that were being hosted over the broadcast for television, she noticed one of her shows that she had enjoyed. It was an anime about a young high school girl who ends up finding herself in a different dimension than the modern times she lived in. In the other dimension was based on ancient times with historical figures in Japanese history that the young girl found herself having to help face off against demons with her hidden powers.

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