Mangle(M) x Golden Freddy

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Smoot(smutt) warning muh doods! Btw Mangle is fixed in this.

Mangle POV•~

Goldie and I have been dating for a few month's now, 6-8 month's I'm pretty sure.

He was such a sweet and kind person, not to mention he was somewhat buff and pretty handsome to be honest.

I sat outside kid's cove on the rear edge, now that they put curtains and put a warning to that if children would put me apart, the parent's would pay for part's.

"Hey, Mangle." my ear's perked up at a all too familiar voice. I looked up and saw Goldie.

"Hi Goldie!" I responded in excitement and joy.

"I've been meaning to talk to you.." He sounded serious so I moved aside so he could sit next to me.

He held my hand and looked down for a few seconds before looking up at me, with serious eye's he was about to speak befor-

"AYEE MANGLE! I NEED YER HELP MATEY!" I heard Foxy yell out to me.

I sigh and put my hand on Goldie's cheek, "Wait for me, then we'll talk, ok?.." He nodded in reaponse looking kinda annoyed. I gave him a kiss on the lips so he'd cheer up a little.

I got up and went over to the stage where foxy was rambling about how he needed me to help him fix a few stuff in him and his other friend's.

Golden Freddy's POV•~

Gosh darnit!! He's always needed somewhere.. He's always busy.. If only I could just talk to him in private, just us, only the two of us.

I know I'm a gentle guy, and Mangle's a innocent sweet guy.. But sometime I wish we could do more, maybe even take it too far but still be ourselves..

Time skip-o•~

I heard Mangle was about to finish helping Foxy and his crew so I quickly left a note on the table near his cove.

Third POV•~

Mangle walked but to his cove waving his tail around wanting to see his beloved golden bear, once he got there he saw he wasn't there so got concerned and looked around.

Soon enough he found a note and read it outloud quietly, "Come to part's and service, I'll be waiting ♥- signed, Goldie." it read.

Mangle headed there looking around wondering why he wants to meet him there.

Mangle hesitated to open the door but did anyway and looked inside the dark room, "Hey, Goldie? I got your note, what is it that you needed?" the white fox got confused but startled when the door behind him shut.

"W-who's there?.." The fox stuttered stepping backwards.

Something had appeared behind Mangle and grabbed him by both shoulder's tightly but also losely.

The mysterious creature had pinned Mangle to the wall and turned him around to kiss the scared white fox that trembled in fear.

Mangle had tried to break lose but soon returned the kiss as he found out who it was.

Once they parted ways Mangle spoke in confusion, "Goldie?.. This isn't like you.. You're eye's look different.."

The Golden bear just stared down at the fox, knowing he couldn't explain because the prey was to oblivious.

"Shhh.. Just be quiet.." Golden Freddy had still had that deep voice that startled Mangle just a bit.

Golden Freddy had put his paw(or hand) on Mangle's waist and lowered the other one on his hip.

"You ready?" The bear asked looking up at the maiden with purple eye's, the fox titled it's head in confusion but the predator took it as a yes.

Golden Freddy had touched a button springing out something that Mangle hadn't known about that he had. Mangle seemed flustered even though he didn't know what it was.

Soon enough a bigger version of his own appeared on Golden Freddy which surprised Mangle.

"Get on your knees would you darling?~" G. Fred said with lust in his voice petting Mangles ear's and head reassuring him he was safe and ok.

Mangle did as said and his head was slowly pushed foward close to the unknown thing that was infront of him.

"Go ahead, give it a lick... It's like a lollipop~" Mangle nodded and hesitantly opened his mouth to put the big long thing in his mouth, which surprisingly tasted absolutely amazing.

Golden freddy let his head fall back as he put one of his Paw's on the fox's head making him deepthroat the 'lollipop'.

After a while Gold had came so much into Mangles mouth it overflowed him with more lust.

"G-Goldie? What was that?.. It tasted delicious and sweet.." The fox asked confused as it swallowed the juiciness that filled his mouth a little frazzled.

"C'mere will you?" Gold said as he stepped back and slid down the wall behind him.

Mangles ear's perked up and immediately obeyed him sitting ontop of Goldie's leg's.

The bear had put his paws on the fox's waist lifting him up and pushing him down slowly on something very eager and erect.

"G-GAH! G-Goldie t-that h-hurts!!" Mangle cried out, "O-oh! I'm sorry, I lost control of myself, we can stop if you want.." Gold looked a little upset and Mangle took pity on him, "Ok, we can continue.. But please don't be so rushing in this 'activity' were doing.."

He was so oblivious Gold though.
Golden Freddy had pushed Mangle down onto the floor gently so he'd be on top of the white fox.

Gold gently pushed into Mangle thrusting slowly untill the maiden got use to it and started to go at a faster rate, eventually the golden bear put his paw around the fox's sensitive part groping it gently starting to stroke it slowly as ge thrusted into him.

"O-oh! G-Goldie.. That f-feels really g-go-good~" Mangle managed to moan out as he let out a high pitch noise signaling he was gonna let it all out.

Gold's face was filled with semen from Mangles climax.

"You don't taste so bad yourself fox~ But I'm still not done with you my prey~" Golden Freddy whispered in Mangles ear then bitting the red faced fox neck to show he was the dominant one here.

Gold thrusted a few more time's before stopping for a split second and slamming into the fox that let out a loud moan of both pleasure and relief.

They both fell onto the floor breathing heavily and staring at eachother relaxed,

"Goldie? What was that?" Mangle asked, "That's called mating pinky, it's something lover's do to show affection from time to time." Gold explained still trying to keep some type of innocence in the fox.

"Oh. Can we do that again tomorrow?" The once again oblivious Fox responded happily but only because he loved his golden teddy bear.

Gold blushed and hesitantly responded, "Uh.. Y-yea! Whatever you need Mangle." The bear responded standing up and picking up Mangle bridal style heading to the now relaxed and asleep fox's cove to sleep and snuggle together.

(A/N): Skskskskkskskks, how was that? Anyways, request will have to be taken in the "chapter" above this one.)

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