FINALLY BACK! // Springtrap x reader P1

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Hey hi hello fellow readers! Decided to finally come back and update this book since it does really good and people seem to enjoy reading these one shots and I like the comments I get on here 💙 please be sure to check out my other stories and tell me what you think <3 remember to leave request in the request part so I can always come back and keep track of them. Enjoy luvs.

Springtrap x Reader(fluff) P1

Another day, another night shift. After putting on your security clothes you hop into your car, driving down to the Pizzeria. You had no idea why you even worked there, either way you needed the job and the money. Living alone wasn't easy, but maybe this job is.

You've already worked for two days, first night was quiet. But the second night had seemed.. different, you hear someone or- something moving around. But you didn't want to get out your office and instead stayed clinged onto your chair. You don't do well with fear do you?

Arriving at the horror attraction you couldn't help but wonder why a supposedly scary place like this needed security- AT NIGHT. That phone guy did mention there was rumors going around but he told you to not worry about it. Maybe this place has more than the eye can see.

You walked into the horror attraction and went straight to your office. This time the night felt more eerie.. What's going on here? You think to yourself.
You open up the camera's and shuffle through them, eventually stopping- to see a rabbit like figure. Your anxiety boiled up and you started freaking out.

"What the fuck?.." You question yourself and what you're seeing. You move the tablet closer to you and the camera fuzzes with static. It's gone. You go through the cameras again and find IT standing in a hallway. It was tall, looked like it was decomposing, and it looked really scary. Were these the rumors? Was this really a HAUNTED attraction?

You pull out your flashlight as soon as you hear a thud in the vents. You crouch down to pull in the flashlight but nothing is there, maybe you were just being paranoid.

You can hear foot steps, coming in closer but you freeze in fear. You slowly get up and turn around to be met with gray glowing eyes. It screams at you and you jump back, you hit your back against the corner wall and it creeks in closer to you. Your heart race quickens and your chest is going up and down.

Your flight or fight kicks in just in time and you head inside the vent as quick as possible. It reacts slowly, it seems to have stiff joints and after realizing you made your escape it walks out the room. You keep crawling in the vent eventually finding a way out and standing in an empty hallway where you last saw the rabbit on the cameras.

You dust yourself off and turn on the flashlight you kept with you, you walk around trying to find your way back into the office. You encounter an arcade room and hear footsteps again, you quickly turn around and move the flashlight to the noise. Nothing.

"Boo." Spoke up a raspy voice behind you, you turn around quickly and flash the light in it's eyes. It screams again and covers it's eyes. You start running but it catches up to you and it grabs your arm tightly. You get pulled into it's chest and it's other hand covers your mouth.

"Scream or do anything and I'll break that pretty face of yours." It demandingly said to you. It was a male, he sounded raspy and had a slight accent you couldn't identify.

You're going to die tonight weren't you? You didn't care about what he said, you started screaming and kicking but it was all muffled. He picked you up and wrapped his arm around your whole waist and pushed his hand more onto your mouth. He stayed in the same position, you can tell his eyes were glowing from the light they emitted.

You eventually passed out and he dropped you down slowly, he crouched down to get a better look at your face. He liked what he saw. He practically carelessly threw you over his shoulder forgetting how strong he is- he walked his way down a hallway into your office. Checking the time, it was barely 2 am. He put you down on the office chair. He looked around not knowing what to do with you.

He awkwardly stood there looking at your body, he looked you up and down taking in all of you. He tilted his head at a visible bruise on your arm 'Did I do that?' He thought to himself and felt bad. He wasn't used to human contact and he had just barely recovered his new found robot body. He had seen you the night before but was afraid to approach you.

His body was much bigger than yours and he practically towered over yours. He sat down on the floor in a criss cross, he stayed there monitoring you,
and making sure you were safe so you don't end up staying here late just incase you don't wake up. Plus he felt guilty for his first impression.

He eventually slowly deactivated, tired and sleepily.

You finally wake up after what seemed hours. You flutter your eyes open to see a lifeless robot in front of you sitting on the floor, you look up at the clock. '5 am. Was I really asleep for that long?..' You question yourself, moving your arm but it hurt from when that robot grabbed you.

You scoot away fron the robot and stare at it, wondering at the fact that it brought you over here and stayed with you. It kind of warmed your heart but- it was bad- HE was bad. But maybe he isn't..

You stood up and knelt down in front of him, he was slouching and had his head lowered. You looked at his ears that were flopped forward too, you look at him and see bloody red parts on him, but mechanical one's too. This must be a lot of details they put into him right??.. Hopefully that was the truth.

You lift your hand up slowly up to him, palming his cheek and caressing it slowly bringing his head up. You got lost in thought and his eyes flickered, they lighted up more and his eyes move to face you. He realized what was happening and leaned his head onto your hand, he put his hand slowly onto yours and kept it there. Then closing his eyes.

It felt like your heart was exploding with adorableness- you blushed lightly. Maybe he was just afraid and confused? It didn't matter, it seemed like he just wanted affection is all. The poor rabbit seemed alone, and you didn't want to leave. You brush your thumb against his cheek and he nudges his head more into your hand.

His ears twitch and it seemed like time had stop, if only that were true. You heard the clock ticking and slipped your hand out of his, looking up it was about to be 6 am. You looked back down at the confused rabbit, his ears lowered at the realization.

You smiled warmly, and put both your hands on both sides of his cheeks and moved his head around playfully which he smiled at. "I'll be back, ok?.." You whispered reassuringly to the rabbit that nodded. You grabbed your keys, and put the flashlight in a small bin. You put the chair where it was and you turn to see that the robot had disappeared.

Maybe he just couldn't see you leave. It was okay, you didn't want to push him to do something he wasn't comfortable with. You walked to the exit and opened the door, you turn around one last time and close the door behind you to lock it.
'Such a weird encounter.. What a night.' You thought to yourself.

At least now you knew what was going on, and felt somewhat comfort in what it was- or who it was. Either way, tomorrow you were coming back for more. We'll see what awaits you next..

Hi all I hope you enjoyed that chapter <3 tell if I should keep these gender neutral or have specific ones that include male or female readers. I want to include everyone which is why I refer to you, reader, as they! Tell me if I should still keep it gender neutral because the next part of this Chapter has smutt :> stayed tuned~

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