Chapter 2

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'...' Thoughts
"..." Speaking
... Narration

(Y/N)'s POV~
I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling and a pounding headache. I rubbed my head as the headache started to die down.

I pushed myself up and looked around my surroundings. It was a nurse's office with someone very familiar sitting at the desk. I tried to get up but my left arm was handcuffed to the bed.

She turned around and saw that I was awake and said something I couldn't understand.

"ああ、こんにちは。 ご気分はいかがですか?" the female said, smiling, sounding like a very familiar person.

"I'm sorry, what?" I replied, confused on what she just said.

I saw my bag on the side table and decided to grab my phone. I put it on a translator app and gave it to her.

"Hello, my name is Recovery Girl. What's your name?" My phone translated.

In my mind I started fangirling like crazy since I was in my favorite anime but on the outside my face was just in a shook facial expression.

She handed me my phone back and I went to reply to her.

"こんにちは、私の名前は(Y/N)(L/N) 私はアメリカから来ました."
("Hello, my name is (Y/N)(L/N). I'm from the U.S.")

We did a back and forth trade on the translator and she asked me questions. I willingly answered then since I had no idea what happened.

A bell rung out and I looked at Recovery Girl, confused on what was happening. The door opened instead and my favorite hero character stepped inside. MR.AIZAWA.

(A/N: Sorry if Mr.Aizawa isnt your favorite, just for this story he is.)

He stepped towards Recovery Girl and spoke to her and they had a small conversation. She pointed to a small device and I noticed it was a recorder. She handed the recorder to Mr.Aizawa and he played a minute or two of the conversation and then put it in his pocket.

He then turned to me and I jumped a bit. Mr.Aizawa pointed to my phone and I nodded. I gave it to him and he spoke.

("ここアメリカの先生、相沢です。 あなたが早く私の教室に落ちて気を失ったとき、私たちはあなたのバッグを覗き込んで、これらを見つけました," He took the first volume of the manga out of my bag, "そしてあなたが着ている服は何ですか?")
"I'm Mr.Aizawa, a teacher here at U.A. When you fell into my classroom earlier and you fainted, we looked through your bag and we found these," He took the first volume of the manga out of my bag, "And the clothes you're wearing, what are those?"

"ああ...どうやってこれを説明しますか? 私はあなたがすべて、あなたの手にあるアニメや漫画の一部である架空のキャラクターである別の世界から来ています。 これは僕のヒーローアカデミアと呼ばれます。 非常に人気があるので、私が着ているものはこれに触発されています。 私の髪は等々力にインスパイアされており、半分は白、半分は赤です."
("Ah... how do I explain this? I come from a different world where you all, are fictional characters part of an Anime or manga that is in your hand. This one is called Boku No Hero Academia. it's very popular so what I'm wearing is inspired by this. My hair is inspired by Todoroki, half white, half red.")

I was scared partly from the aura that Aizawa-sensei was emitting and brought my knees up to my chest for comfort.

He nodded and talked to Recovery Girl once more and then turned to me again.

("とにかくどうやって学校に入ったの? アラームが鳴る.")
"How did you get into the school anyways? The alarms would have rung."

"知りません。 私がアメリカの高校にいたこと、第二に目がくらむような光が来たこと、第三にここにたどり着くことです。 私は自分の力を持つためにいじめられました。 私の世界では誰も癖などはありません、それはただ...正常で."
("I... don't know. One thing I was at my high school in America, second a blinding light comes and third I end up here. I was bullied for having my powers. No one in my world has quirks or anything, it's just... normal.")

("あなたは何歳ですか? あなたは高校にいると言ったから?")
"How old are you? You said you were in high school so your 15 right?"

("I'm actually 13. I'm a college level student but I wanted the high school experience since I was homeschooled most of the time.")

("あなたがここにいるので、校長は提案をしました。 あなたはアメリカに入国し、私たちがあなたを警察に引き込む代わりにここで学ぶ.")
"Well since you're here, the principal had a proposal. You join U.A. and learn here instead of us turning you in to the police."

"もちろん! 私も大好きです!"
("Of course! I would love too!")

"Good, you still have to take the entrance exam though."

("I'll do whatever it takes!")

"Then let's going, you're taking it now."

("Wait, WHAT?!")

To Be Continued~
Date Posted: August 17th, 2019
Word Count: 1009 Words

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