♔ 07| The Fault in Our Hearts

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*🐝 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Audrey pulled her bright yellow bike up the driveway, and into its usual spot in the grass by the walkway. Letting out an exhausted sigh, she stepped away from the vehicle and made her way over to the front door, counting the seven or so steps it took.

She placed her hand on the handle and pulled the door open, entering a world of chaos.

Karen Wheeler stood before the mirror, touching up her makeup as Ted stood by the steps, speaking to his son.

"Oh! Audrey. You are right on time." Mrs. Wheeler greeted, smiling brightly at the young girl. "Nancy is at the Hollands' for the night so it should just be you and the kids."

Audrey nodded in understanding, knowing the routine.

Mike Wheeler hadn't noticed her presence and continued to argue without minding his volume. Karen sighed deeply before she cleared her throat, interrupting their little spat and the two immediately split apart, looking guilty. Mike's eyes then met Audrey's bright blue ones and he immediately froze, a blush creeping up his face and giving him the appearance of an overripe tomato.

"Oh, hey -- I didn't see you there." He stammered, rubbing the back of his neck.

Karen rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse from the banister.

"We should get going. Be good Michael!"

And with that, they left. Audrey waved at the couple as they made their way down the driveway and into the car. She loved helping them out in any way she possibly could, even if it meant babysitting a troublemaker. She adored Mike though and had no problem spending her evenings playing Dungeons and Dragons, even if it meant getting scrutinized for her lack of knowledge of the game he has yet to convince her is a sport.

"Alrighty kid, what is on the agenda for today." Audrey prompted.

"Follow me."

Audrey followed the preteen to the basement door and as soon as the doors swung open, she could hear quiet murmurs.

"Guess who's here?" Mike yelled down the steps, attracting the attention of his friends.

"Dad!" Thet all screamed simultaneously as Audrey walked down further into the room. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she was ambushed by the boys, all screaming greetings in her ear.

"Alright, alright. I missed you guys too." She laughed out, trying to regain her breath.

It was then that she noticed that there was one person that wasn't pummeling her. One person that didn't jump at the first opportunity to overwhelm her with love.

Will Byers sat in his chair at the table, watching the group's interaction. His eyes met Audrey's and his lips curved into a smile that matched the other boys but with a certain light to them that couldn't be replicated by any other then him. He waved softly.

"Hey, Addy."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*🐝 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"SO WHEN ARE YOU GONNA TELL ME WHAT'S UP WITH YOU?" Jonathan asked, eyes still trained on the road.

Audrey looked at him with furrowed brows, feigning confusion.

"Come on Adds, I know you." He said.

"I don't know... So many things have happened lately and I'm feeling kind of lost..." Audrey sighed, running her hands through her hair. She felt kind of bad for putting all of her issues on her already hurting friend, but she needed to get the words out.

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