♔ 13| Bullies and Voices and Blood, Oh My!

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・゚: *・゚:*🐝 *:・゚*:・゚

AFTER THE SCHOOL DAY ENDED, AUDREY MADE HER WAY TO THE MIDDLE SCHOOL. She had offered to escort the kids home after the paranoia following Will's disappearance began set in. People barely associated with one another now and they almost never left their homes unless it was to go to work or school.

Upon arriving, Audrey hastily hopped off of her bike and jogged into the building, not worried in the slightest about interrupting classes. Tonight the boys were attending an assembly regarding the recent situations and new policies they had set in place and she had assumed it was near over.

"Frogface." An all too familiar voice taunted as soon as the doors were shoved open. Audrey sighed as she faced Troy Walsh and James Dante, standing before the boys she was searching for. Beside them stood a young girl with a blonde wig stood beside them and Audrey found her face to be familiar but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

She shook her head of those thoughts and went into complete momma bear mode, reaching for the bullies.

"What the hell!?" Troy grumbled as he winced. Audrey's hand was latched onto his ear, applying just enough pressure to get him to shut up. She found herself smirking as she recalled this trick she had often seen on television.

"What did I tell you about bullying, Troy."

"You're not my mom." The boy seethed, attempting to shake out of her grip. As eager as he was to be set free, he also tried his hardest not to harm the girl in his grand but futile escape attempt. It had only caused her to squeeze harder.

"I may not be but I'm as close at it gets right now." The crowd of children looked at the situation with complete confusion, not knowing how Troy and Audrey could possibly know each other. "They don't know?"

"Shut up." He seethed.

"They don't know I'm your babysitter?"

Laughter erupted from the crowd at the revelation. The older girl never quite understood why having a babysitter was so comical but she was glad she was able to use it to her advantage.

"Oh my God, did you piss yourself?" A shrill voice squealed, attracting everyone's attention. Sure enough, a small patch appeared on the boys pants, growing larger by the seconds. Both Audrey and Troy blushed at that as she let go of his ear and backed away.

"Maybe you do need a babysitter, dickhead." Mike laughed. Audrey sent him an intimidating glare. "Sorry..."

Before she knew it, a small hand gripped Audrey's wrist and yanked her out of the room.

"Hey, whose the girl?" She asked, her eyes trained on the platinum blonde hair. Everyone stopped in the hallway, leaving it in silence.

"It's okay, you can show her." Mike encouraged, placing a reassuring hand on the girls' shoulder. Audrey saw the girl nod before she turned around to face her.

"Oh my God."

・゚: *・゚:*🐝 *:・゚*:・゚

"What exactly are we doing in here?" Audrey asked as they entered the dimly lit room. The boys ignored her question and continued to set up, having El sit down in one of the chairs. The whole situation was still sinking into Audrey's head and she was still unaware of how to react. Being the oldest, she was supposed to have it all together and that was most definitely the opposite in this case.

"You do realize I was supposed to have you guys home ages ago, right?"

Mike placed his hand on the radio in the center of the table, turning the knob to around to find the correct frequency. Upon reaching his desired point, he backed away, gesturing to the bald headed girl to do her thing. Eleven immediately followed his actions by closing her eyes, focusing as she breathed heavily. Only the sounds of the loud static could be heard, the rest of the room immersed in silence.

"She's doing it. She's finding him." Mike said.

"Finding who?" Audrey urged. If there was anything those kids needed to be right now, it was safe. They were her new top priority.

Her question was ignored and the boys watched in anticipation as the silence drew on. Apart from the lack of noise, the only audible sound was the shallow breaths of every person within the tiny space.

"This is crazy." Dustin breathed out.

"Calm down." Lucas rolled his eyes.

A loud clanging interrupted their banter and everyone leaned forward, watching the situation with awe and worry. The sound intensified and Dustin's eyes widened.

"What is that." He asked.

"Will, Will! Are you there!?"

"Can you hear us? We're here!"

"Hello? Mom?" Will's voice crackled to life and Audrey's breath caught in her throat. Words evaded her as she listened, mouth agape.

"Will!?" Audrey croaked, hoping her voice would somehow reach him.

"Why can't he hear us?"

"I don't know!" Mike yelled, frustrated with the whole situation.

"It's like home, but it's so dark... it's so dark and empty. And it's cold!" Audrey began to cry as she wrapped a teary eyed Dustin in her arms. More cries emitted from the radio, the helplessness of the situation truly setting in. All they could do was listen to their loved one suffer.

After a few more seconds, a crackling sounded followed by a bang, completely frying the radio. The room was left in darkness and everyone looked at each other and fear.

"El are you alright?" Mike checked in, leaning forward to get a view of her face.

But when they looked, all they saw was the girls' limp body in the chair, blood dripping down her dress.

"It's okay, she does this a lot." Dustin said.

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"Will's alive."

"Are you sure it wasn't some kind of sick joke? I mean, Troy is probably still pissed off at you guys for whatever you pulled back there and-"

"-No Addy, it's not." The black haired boy stated firmly. "She saw him and she - she knows how to find him."

"Who Eleven?" Audrey asked incredulously. "She's just a child. You all are."

"You're a kid too!"

"Of course I am. But I'm the oldest; meaning I'm the one in charge."

"Like hell it does!"

"Mike. Listen to yourself right now. There is absolutely no way he is alive. I saw him Mike. I saw his body."

The Wheeler boy looked at his broken-hearted babysitter for a second. He knew exactly where she was coming from and knew she probably wouldn't have believed them. He approached her slowly and placed his hand on her shoulder, ignoring the butterflies the action sent to his stomach.

"Do you trust me."

"Of course I do." The older girl replied, wiping her eyes. All of this was just far too much to take in. Everything was happening too fast.

"Then believe me when I tell you he's alive. I can feel it. We all can."

・゚: *・゚:*🐝 *:・゚*:・゚

happy friday lovelies <3

thoughts on this chapter??

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