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"Favorite person in the Avengers?""Probably.. Iron Man. Watching him be serious is so funny!""Least favorite person in the Avengers?""..Spiderman." An obvious frown came upon Peter's face as you gave your answer to his silly question. "Why don't you like Spiderman?" he questioned, you thought he was joking, but he was being serious. "Uh.. Peter.. he's like our age," Peter continued to give you a confused look, like that shouldn't matter at all. Then again, that's just always how Peter has been. He hates being underestimated because of his age. You let out a sigh "Peter if he's our age he's still technically just a teen. He looks like a little kid compared to the rest of the members, and he doesn't look all that strong either. I just don't trust that kid with my life, get it?" Peter's face looked almost hurt "so, you don't believe in Spiderman?" you patted his shoulder sweetly "I believe in him, it's just that.. it was stupid of Stark to hire someone our age, and also, you can tell he's going through puberty. It's so awkward to watch! His voice is so.. pubescent." Peter glanced down at the ground for a second, before coughing awkwardly. "Well, we have school tomorrow, gotta go (Y/N)!" he said quickly, pecking your cheek and grabbing his backpack from your couch. You were super confused because you two were having fun, but you let it slide. "Bye, Peter," you announced, waving awkwardly. That was certainly weird.The Next Day Peter had barely spoken to you at all today, and you almost couldn't believe that he seemed to be ignoring you. Did you say something yesterday? It's not like you meant to if you had. You sighed and put in your earphones, not really wanting to be stressed about it anymore. You looked both ways and began crossing the street as you put on your playlist. Yet, your mind still kept going back to Peter. Why was he ignoring you?Had you hurt his feelings?Was it something you said?Did your boyfriend not like you anymore? Before you knew it, you were staring fearfully at the truck right in front of you, it's headlights beaming into your face and the red vehicle almost touching you. You were prepared to die then, you were certain the truck would hit you and kill you, but something pushed you out of the way. They threw their arms around you, keeping you safe as you two rolled onto the pavement, them hitting their head off of the ground. "What the hell?!" the familiar pubescent voice shouted as their hand flew up to their head. "Ouch!" As you landed on the ground, you awkwardly crawled off of your savior. "Spiderman.. you saved me.." you mumbled as you turned to stare the guy in the red mask. He nodded, "uh, all in a days work?" he awkwardly mumbled, brushing himself off. "I think my head is bleeding.." he mumbled, rubbing the back, wincing slightly in pain. "I'm so sorry!" you announced, rushing over to look at the mask. It was, in fact, bloody. "I just.. I was having a bad day and I wasn't looking where I was going, then the truck came out of nowhere, and I had my earphones in." "It's fine, (Y/N)" Spiderman chimed in, awkwardly stiffening after realizing he used your name. "How.. do you know my name?" they awkwardly laughed "just try not to underestimate me next time?" "Peter?" Spiderman went running off out of sight, swinging from building to building before you could shout at him. "PETER PARKER GET BACK HERE AND LET ME PUNCH YOU THEN KISS YOU FOR SAVING ME!" you shouted, chasing him through the streets of Queens.

♚𝕻𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖗 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘Where stories live. Discover now