Chapter 2 (Introducing Mary)

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It had been hours since Mary left her friend's Jennie's house. She couldn't bare to be in it knowing Jennie was dead in her room. So she was desperately trying to score some drugs.

And now she had lost all track of time. She couldn't even tell how long she had been gone from the girls, but she thought to herself, "it must not be that long, it's still light outside." Before the ambulance had arrived, Mary had went out to the front porch, just to get some air. Sitting on the stoop alone, made Mary's thoughts start racing in her head. Mary didn't know how to be a guardian for the girls. She didn't know how to handle the death of her only friend. And she felt extremely overwhelmed.  She felt like she just needed something to help her get through that day, and that she needed it now. But then she realized, she was out of her stash, and she thought, "I will run to the dealer's house around the corner, and just pick up something to get me through the rest of the day, it will only take me a few minutes, and the girls won't even notice I'm gone.  I'll call the funeral home when I get back." So Mary ran around the corner to get her a quick fix. Once she got to the dealer's house she begged him to give her a hit on credit.

"Mary you already owe me a grip of dough, without no money on you, you're gonna have to take care of a few favors for me first before I give you another free hit".

"Let me take care of the favor tomorrow. Jennie just passed away, you know Nana, and I got to get back to her girls."

"Look, I don't care about Jennie or her grandbabies. If you don't have no money then you have to do the work."

Mary hesitated, she wanted to do the right thing, but her skin was itching for a hit, and it was right there for her to have. "Okay then, what do you need me to do?" She told herself she would be really quick about it.

So he gave her the address of a few spots he needed her to make drop offs at, and additionally, he wanted her to offer her special services for his one very rich client as a bonus in retaining his business.

"You know the deal Mary, 10% off the top for you, and it better not be touched until I've heard from each client you arrived and delivered the goods and you return with my money." He had dealt with Mary many times in the past, and he knew she was reliable with bringing his money back, before she took a hit. He also knew her former pimp. Mary's pimp was a very good customer, he never used himself, but it was the best way he knew to keep his employee's loyal. He knew Mary understood the serious consequences of not bringing him his profits back, and that she knew her 10% payment in drugs could not be taken, that it had to be left completely untouched, until she returned what was his to him, and then, and only then, she could take a hit.

"Don't worry I know the deal, I would never cross you." Mary took the knapsack with the dope and then she was on her way.

She had no idea what time it was, or how long she had been gone from the girls, but she started to worry, when she saw the sun starting to go down. After the last stop, Mary couldn't wait to get a hit of what was left over for herself. Usually, she would have never disregarded a dealer's instructions, but today had been so stressful.  Her whole body was screaming and itching for a hit, and her mouth was salivating for it. When she got on the train heading back to Queens from Brooklyn, she went to a car on the train that was totally empty. Then she grabbed a corner seat and frantically took a hit. Mary was in such a rush to get the drugs in her system that she was a little careless and she took more than the usual. It didn't take long for her to pass out. When she woke up, her knapsack containing the dealer's money was missing.  Mary realized she had passed out, and someone had lifted it off of her. She knew losing the dealers money literally meant she just lost her own life. So Mary knew she had no other choice but to go into hiding. Her survival was the only thing on her mind at the time. She rationalized not returning to the girls because she would put them in danger also, besides her being dead wasn't going to help the girls no how. So she never did make it back to Nana's house that night, and she never made it back to the girls. But she did sneak back to the house a few days later, and tried to find out from some of the neighbors in the middle of the night about what had happened to the girls. The dealer had a price on her head, and one of Nana's neighbors tipped him off that Mary had been spotted around the neighborhood asking questions. He instructed everyone that was part of the game, to bring Mary to him, if they saw her and there would be something extra in it for them. That night they caught up with Mary trying to sneak back on the subway and they brought Mary to the dealer's house.  He beat Mary close to death, and then he decided to spare her life. He decided he would keep her in his backroom, for anyone, to do whatever they pleased to her, for however long he chose to keep her, until her total debt was paid off, in his eyes. This wasn't the first time Mary had been beaten and kept as someone's sex slave only this time Mary was sure she deserved it for betraying her promise to Nana, and abandoning the girls. She was his prisoner for months and months, and not one day passed by that she didn't think about Nana and her three granddaughters.

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