It's all my fault

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Louis' pov:

I can see the gates to the school as I was running as fast as I could. I saw Violet and Asiam standing behind front gates. When they realized that I was running towards the school they immediately open the gate to let me in.

Clem and Aj were still out there and I left them. But Clem said they would be fine, right? Should I have stayed and helped? What if Clem and Aj aren't fine, and they need my help? All of these thoughts were rushing through my head as I enter the gates to meet my friends. I notice Violet's eyes. They were burnt and cloudy. One eye was covered in a bandage Ruby had probably suited her up with. I didn't want her to be hurt. She would have been safe if I was stronger and maybe Clem and Aj would have been back by now too. I don't know what I would do if anything bad happened to Clem or Aj.
I couldn't-

One hour Earlier
A.N. Still Louis' pov.

"Clem still isn't back yet", I said as I paced the music room. I began to sweat and shake in fear that something terrible has happened to my daring Clementine and my little buddy.

Violet looked at me with an annoyed look on her face. She wanted me to stop pacing and to stop worrying, but I couldn't help it. A sat down on the bench in front of my piano and put my face in my hands.

"She will be okay, Louis", she said trying to calm me of my nervousness. I didn't look up at her.

She continued, "She's strong- I know she is", Violet said pausing mid-sentence.

I stood up to speak, "But what if she's not okay, Vi. She should be back by now. Her and Aj", I said starring at her explaining what was on my mind.

"Louis, Clem is a fighter. You and I both know that, and if she got herself into a bad situation, she would get herself out of it like she always does", Vi said in a reassuring tone.

I looked at her as tears started to form I my eyes. She looked at me saddened by my state. I don't usually cry about things, so she could tell I was very worried for Clem's safety. She walked closer to me, giving me a warming hug which made me feel a little better. Vi didn't usually like hugging anyone, so this was definitely a rare sight to see. I began to laugh slightly during our hug. Vi noticed quickly.

She pulled away from the hug, "What?!", she asked furrowing her eyebrows annoyed and confused. I just smiled at her and noticeably got even more annoyed by my action.

"What is it?!", she spoke a little louder then last time.

"You care about me... don't you?", I said still smirking wanting to get a reaction from her.

"No I don't", she said obviously not amused by my question. She always denied it, always saying I was annoying, making fun of my piano music and my singing. But I knew deep down her heart wasn't completely made of stone.

"Then how do you explain that?", I said referring to the hug that we just shared moments ago.

"I-", Vi started to speak when the door burst open with Willy rushing into the room yelling our names.

"Louis!" "Violet", Willy said panting from running.

"What's wrong Willy?", Vi asked Willy surprised by his sudden entry into the room.

"It's Clem and Aj", he spoke faster than usual trying to get the message out quickly. Both Vi and me looked at each other with happy and worried expressions. We all ran out of the Admin building towards the front gates meeting Ruby, Assim, and Omar along the way. I ran with a hopeful feeling because I was about to see my...


We both like like each other. We haven't spoken about it since the night that Lily took our people away. We haven't made it officially yet. Maybe I can ask her?

As I got closer I noticed that AJ looked distraught with tears in his eyes as he looked at me. I turn my head and noticed Clem's unconscious in a wheelbarrow. My hope turned into sadness as I noticed that the lower half of her left leg was missing. I new I shouldn't have left her and AJ all alone. How could I be so selfish?

"What the hell happened?!", I shout as I ran over to Clem. She had blood all over her. She was unconscious but still breathing. Ruby ran over with me examining her to make sure that she would be okay. I started to tear up at the state Clem was in.

I quickly walked over to Aj giving him a hug to sooth his cries, "She- she was bit! I couldn't ju- just leave her there to d- die! I couldn't do it! I cut her l- leg off ! I had too!", Aj said as he sobbed, holding on to me tightly. I looked back to Ruby still hugging AJ.

"I need help getting her into the Admin building as quickly as possible. And we need to hurry, we might not have much time!", Ruby said trying to gather people to help. Everyone just stood there in shock.

"Now!", she yelled. Vi and I quickly rushed into action as we helped Ruby get Clem into the Admin building. The others were assigned with getting all the medical supplies, so Ruby could help Clem. We made it into the music room and we placed Clem down on the sofa on the opposite side of the room from the piano. Ruby checked Clem's breathing and pulse as I held onto Clem's hand tightly, not wanting to let go. Violet still looked over in shock, not believing what her eye was seeing. Everyone else arrived with the medical supplies, so Ruby could start disinfecting and bandaging Clem's leg.

"I need everyone out now, I need my space", Ruby said as everyone but Aj and I began to leave the room. I couldn't leave her. Not again. Not ever.

"Are you sure you want to stay and watch?", Ruby asked softy. I nodded at her with a sincere expression. AJ nodded with tears in his eyes, not wanting to leave Clem's side. Clem's face looks so peaceful. She looks like she was peacefully dreaming. But if you were in Ruby's position you probably wouldn't think the same. Ruby began to roll up Clem's pant leg to get a look at the massive wound. Ruby's eyes widened as she witnessed the spot were Aj had severed her leg.

"I need the disinfectant, Now", Ruby said signaling for me to give her the bottle of disinfectant sitting next to me. I handed her the bottle and she began to dab the disinfectant onto a towel and clean the wound. I don't think I've ever seen so much blood from one person in my life. I honestly feared for Clem's life. I don't want to lose her, I thought as I squeezed her hand a little tighter. She means way too much to me. Aj just looked at Clem trying to keep tears from spilling out of his eyes.

I turned to hug Aj as Ruby started wrapping up Clem's leg. As I held onto AJ, I came to the realization that Clem might never be able to walk normally again. I felt so unbelievably frightened for her. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want any of this to happen to anyone. If I had just stayed and helped Clem and AJ she wouldn't have gotten bit by a walker. She wouldn't have to go through  a lifelong of pain. It's all my fault.

I just realized nothing happy has happened so far in this story. I'll try to get past all the sad parts is fast as I can. Vote plz. It takes a while to write these.👌💛💚💙 thx

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