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Clem's pov:

"Louis?", I said as I looked at his face starring at me from above. He looked extremely surprised as he just starred, eyes wider then ever.

"Oh my god, Clem. Your awake", Louis exclaimed, pulling me up into a tight embrace. It seemed as if he never was going to let go. I lightly pulled away from the hug, so I could look at him. He cupped his hands around my face and continued speaking.

"I can't believe your up. I can't belie- ", I stopped Louis' rambling, knowing that if I didn't he wouldn't stop talking.

"Louis", I said looking him deeply in the eyes, using my hands to lower his slowly from my cheeks. He stopped, giving me his full attention, listening for what I'm about to say.

"How am I here?", I simply asked him, looking around the room I was in. I was in me and Aj's dorm room. I could see Aj's drawings and my colectables from my adventures I had.

"Like- how?- when?-", I said looking back at Louis.

"Aj saved your life, Clem", Louis told me as he began to hold my hand gently. I was speachless. How could Aj have saved me from death. I was bitten. He had to...

I stop thinking and lifted I sheet covering the lower half of my body.
I looked at my leg in shock. It was gone.

"Aj had to chop your lower leg off to save your life. You were unconscious when he brought you back. Ruby has been taking care of you ever since", Louis explained. Something had occurred to me just then.

"Where's Aj?", I questioned Louis with a worried expretion. I began to try to turn to sit at the edge of the bed. I started to feel pain coming from my left leg. I winced at the sudden feeling.

"Whoa, whoa there, Clem you can't get out of bed just yet. You need to rest a little longer", Louis said, urging me to lay down again.


"He just down at the stream fishing with Rosie. You don't need to worry", Louis reassured. He gave me one of his signature smiles I knew all too well. I nodded my head. I intertwined my fingers with his and looked at him. He looked back at me too. We starred at each other for about a minute. I gave him a soft smile. He began to speak, still looking at me.

"Um, Clem. I've been thinking. I wanted to ask- Um", He paused. I could tell he was starting to get nervous as he looked away from me and he rubbed the back of his neck, realising one of his hands from my grasp.

"Louis, you can tell me anything. There nothing to be nervous about", I reassured him turning his head to look back at me gently with my now free hand. He nodded and smiled at me, showing that he trusted me.

"Do you- do you want to be my girlfriend?", he asked as I sat there looking at him. Just looking at his sweet brown eyes.

Louis began to talk really fast, "You- don't- have- to- say- yes-. I- just- thought- that- you- seem- to- like- me- and- I- like- you- a- lot- so- I- thought- I- should- just- ask- to- make- sure- because- ". I stopped his train of words by pulling him into a kiss. He pulled me closer to him. I was so close I could hear his heart beat slow; his nervousness was subsiding. I started to slowly pull away, but he pulled me back in, and I wasn't complaining one bit. The feeling of my lips against his made me feel like all of the bad in the world was gone, and it was just the two of us. Together.

We both pulled away, "Of course I will be your girlfriend", I exclaimed to Louis. He looked back to me with soft eyes.

"I like you a lot, Clem", he said giving me a soft smile.

"I like you too", I said smiling at him back. I started to feel thirsty. I must have not dranken anything for at least a day.

"Hey lou", I said as he began to get up from his chair that sat next to my bedside.

"Yes, my darling?", he said in a questioning tone. I smiled to myself at the nickname he gave me.

"Could you get me some water, please?", I asked him.

"Of course", he spoke as he walked back over to me.

"I would do anything for you", he said just before he kissed my fore head. Louis looked down at me and gave me a sincere smile. He turned around and started walking to the door.

"I'll be right back", Louis said as he walked out of my room, leaving me alone.

His words kept replaying in my head. I'll do anything for you? I felt my stomach turn at those words. I felt so happy yet so... bad. Anytime I would get close to anyone, they wouldn't stay for long. But that won't happen to Louis, right? I really need to stop stressing out over things now. I'm safe, everyone is safe now that the raiders are gone...

Or is it?

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