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Louis' pov:

It's been one full day since Clem and Aj came back to the school. Clem still hasn't woken up. Ruby said her body went into some sort of shutdown mode to fight off any infection from the wound on her leg. Clem has been moving in her sleep occasionally. She probably dreaming about something, I hope it's a good dream. Ruby's been coming into Clem's dorm every so often to check up on her. Clem's for head has cooled down a lot and her color has gone back to normal.

Aj has been very worried about Clem. But I've been trying to keep his mind off of that. Like having him draw a nice picture for Clem when she wakes up. Or playing some card games with him to ease his nervousness. Aj is supposed to be going fishing at the shack later, so he should be walking through that door soon to say bye to Clem.

I sat next to Clem as Ruby left the room for the third time this morning. I held onto her smooth hand as she was resting. I rubbed my thumb on the back of her hand as I examined her facial features. She so pretty- no not pretty. . .


I love the way her dark brown curly hair bounces like springs. I love her beautiful little nose and her soft cheeks the lift everytime she smiles or laughs. And I love her beautiful honey hazel eyes. Her eyes everytime they sparkle in the sunlight. I heard a nock at the door.

"Come in, Aj", I said loud enough for him to hear. You open the door slowly causing it to make a creaking sound. He picked his head through the door looking in the room in the direction where Clem slept.

"How did you know it was me?", Aj questioned while still keeping his eyes glued to Clem.

"Just a hunch", I explained, giving him a soft smile. He only walked over to me still looking at Clem. I can tell something was on his mind.

"What are you thinking about?", I asked him sympathetically.

"Clem told me to kill her", he said. I looked at Aj with a shocked look. Just the image of Clem saying those words made me feel horrible. Aj finally looked at me.

"If I did what she told me- she would be dead", he said on the brink of tears.
I pulled Aj into a tight hug unable to gather the right words to say. He started to cry in my arms. I need to think of a way to stop his tears.

"You did the right thing, Aj", I said as we pulled away from the hug. Aj's cries began to slowly subside. He nodded his head showing that he understood.

"Clem is going to survive because you didn't give up on her", I spoke looking at him with a greatful expression.

"Thank you, Aj", I ended looking him in the eyes. He looked at me for a second, almost like he was analyzing me. He smiled at me

"You should say bye to Clem before you go to the fishing shack", I suggested. AJ looked over to Clem and smiled. I hope what I told him made him feel better.

"Bye Clem. See you later", Aj said looking at her softly. He turned and started walking to the door. He looked back at Clem. He began opening the door before I stopped him.

"You should take Rosie with you", I suggested looking up at him. Rosie could protect him if he ever got into trouble. I want him to come back in one piece.

"Will do lou", He said in a joking tone as he walked out of the dorm, shutting the door behind him. I think I'm starting to rub off on him I thought. I chuckled to my self before looking back over to Clem. I sat there for about five minutes just thinking when I felt Clem's hand start to move under my own.     (😰)


Clem's pov:

I was walking in a field of flowers that stretch for miles and miles. The air was warm, the sun beating down on my skin. I was alone, noone to be seen. I didn't feel anymore pain. I looked down at my leg, and I didn't see the walker bite. Is this heaven? Am I dead?

I began to run as fast as I could with the biggest smile spread across my face. I ran my hands along the rows of colorful flowers. I slowed down to admire them, taking in there beautiful scent.

"Sweet Pea?", I heard a voice say behind me. It couldn't be. Was it really him? I turned around to take a look at who it was.

"Lee?", I said with tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I was him. I ran to Lee hugging him tightly. He hugged me back, and we stayed in the embrace for a few minutes as I let my tears out.

"I've m- missed you so much, L- Lee", I said sobbing into his shirt.

"I've missed you to Sweet Pea", Lee said backing away from the hug to look at my face. He looked at me smiling.

"You've grown so much", He said.

"How have you been holding up while I was away?", He asked me.

"Things could definitely have gone better", I said half joking and half serious, as I tried to wipe the tears away from my eyes.

"What happened?", he asked looking at me with a sorrowful expression.

"It was horrible, Lee. My friends were taken and we had to get them back home. Lily took them. We made a plan to get them back, but it didn't go like I had hoped. Some didn't make it out alive, my friend Violet's eyes were wounded after an an explosion. There were so many walkers. I had to leave him, Lee. I left Aj. He- he had to- ". I started to cry again. Even the thought of Aj being all alone made me feel like I had failed him.

"You will see him again", Lee said to me as he wiped away the tears on my face. I didn't understand. What did he mean?

"Am I dead?", I asked Lee, looking down at my hands. I looked back up to him. He was shaking his head and chuckling at my question. I looked at him confused.

"Of course not", he said to me with a smile. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"So- this is a dream?", I asked trying to clear up my confusion.

"Yes Sweet Pea, it is", Lee spoke. This can't be true. Aj killed me, remember, I thought. How is this even possible? I was bit.

"Lee", I said getting his attention as I looked up at him

"But... how?", I asked.

"You will find out soon enough", he simply answered. I still didn't understand what he ment. All at once the world around me started to become covered in mist. It was getting harder to see Lee standing in front of me by the second.

"You need to go. They are waiting for you", He said as he began to back away slowly into the mist. I could no longer see him I was alone again.
It was black. There was nothing. I closed my eyes tightly. I could feel someone's hand holding mine. I moved my fingers around a bit, curious as to who it was. I opened my eyes slighty. I could see color around me. I saw someone sitting next to me.



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