chapter 2

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The next morning they came to collect our letters so they would deliver them to our families. I wrote one for Joli and one for my mother telling them that I was doing alright and that the bed is not so rough and how much I miss them...

We ate our breakfast then it was time to head back up there. it went like this for a few days every time I make it back I feel thankful to God that I'm still alive, but guilty cause now our tent is missing two soldiers. Dead. The one with red hair Luke was his name, his bed was at the end of the room I didn't know much about him except that he used to read the bible every morning before going up the mountain and the other one used to sleep in the bed that was above Logan's his name was max, he lived with his father and his only brother in a house by a lake

 I kept staring at their beds I can't help but feel that I could have done something, then Logan suddenly hits me with his towel

"you're going to make a hole in the bed, come on  it's time to go back up there."

"let it go Rayn. You can't be haunted with their ghosts forever. Every soldier here can die any minute so you need to get yourself together and focus on saving your life, their's is already lost"

It has become my night routine, I stare at her picture and pray to God that he keeps her safe and laughing like this. in case I didn't make it back.

The next day our letters arrived. it has been a week. when the soldier calls my name I almost jump from the bed to get my letter

It's from Joli. I set back on the bed and open it, a picture falls out from it I pick it up and it's a baby's sonar picture. I stare at it not believing it, then I open the letter and read it

She tells me how much she loves and misses me and at the end, she tells me that she prays for my safe return so that we can start picking names for the baby. I can't stop smiling while staring at the picture then a soldier says in a loud voice " we will be collecting your letters in an hour "

A tear escapes my eyes while I'm writing my letter I wipe it quickly but Logan still notices it "what's wrong?"

Now Andrew is also looking at me "it's Joli she is pregnant " Logan starts to laugh "congratulations" he pats my back

"would you name it Andrew if it's a boy ?" Andrew asks with a hopeful tune and now I'm laughing "I'll think about it"

It's alright. I think to myself I will get back to them I will go home when this war ends

I wrote to her how much I love her and I promise her ... I promise her that I will get back home soon and that I hope the baby will look like her and gets her blue eyes. 

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