Chapter 3

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We go back up the next day my spirit is up. this war will end soon and I will get back home.

We attack with all of our force I turn my head around for a second looking for Logan he's behind me and Andrew is on my left then he's not I stop in my track .a bullet penetrates his chest

I run to him. Logan is right behind me "no no no, Andrew stay with me " I kneel next to him and hold his head on my lap "stay awake, don't close your eyes. it will be alright, we will get you down " he touches my hand "Rayn" his voice is weak

"yes yes, I'm here"

"let me go it's okay" he turns to Logan "tell Jess that I'm sorry I didn't get to propose and that I love her "

"alright" Logan answers with tears in his eyes

"I think I will name him Andrew after all, " I tell him

He smiles at me and nods his head then he's gone

I keep holding him unable to let him go while Logan shakes my shoulders "I shouldn't have promised her that I will go back home ... I shouldn't have " I say panicking with tears in my eyes then I feel it the pain in my face that pulls me back to reality Logan slapped me. I hear him yelling at me " get your shit together and fight back we are going to make it back home. do you understand me? do you?"


I get up and we head back to the battle

It goes on for hours we're getting tired but soon it'll be dark and we'll go down the mountain, just when we started falling back to go down and get some rest for tomorrow, bombs start to fall on us from the sky I run as fast as I can, all I can think about is that I have to get back I have to see Joli again and the baby

I make it back to the tents safely like some of us do. I start to look for Logan, he is not in the tent I search the other tents but he is not there either before I could think of the worst-case a soldier from our tent tells me that Logan is in the medic tent. I run but when I get there I can't seem to move my legs any farther . his legs .. his legs are gone I go and sit on the chair next to his bed "you made it " he says smiling and looks at me " I was worried I was the only one who made it alive " I can't smile or joke with him right now. I look at his legs then back at him "it's okay, I'm alive. good thing I taught David how to ride a bike, now he will be the one to teach his sister

 a tear escapes from his eye and I try my best to keep mine from falling    

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