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"Okay, everyone. Party's over. Thank you for coming. Please see yourselves out," Emilia said, the expression on her face daring them to contradict her. She still didn't know what the party was for and she didn't care. She heard the people shuffling out, speculating to one another about what had just happened, but ignored them. Despite everything, that was not how she'd wanted Zander to meet his father's side of the family. It stung even more because she knew it was all she had to offer him. As much as she considered her friends the family she never had, it didn't erase the fact that they were not blood-related. And it would be so unfair to Zander to keep him from the Carters more than she had. Her precious boy deserved the best. She didn't want him growing up alone like she had, yet she couldn't trust Max with him. Not while that vulture Lisandra was still lurking around him.

Already, Zander was scared of Max. That hadn't been her goal. Her husband could hate her all he liked, but she wanted him to have a good relationship with their son. Zander was a sensitive child, and she'd taught him it was bad to mistreat women. Seeing his father manhandling her wasn't a great example, but she wasn't about to defend Max. A part of her wanted him to hurt half as much as she had. If not more.

After the backyard had cleared, she looked from one person to the next. Darren had changed a bit. When she'd left, he was still immature even though he was older than Gwen, but the suit he wore alone spoke volumes of how different he was today. Lisandra and Gwen were busy glaring at her, their faces contorted with hate. Once upon a time, she had cared what they thought of her. Ha even wanted to be friends with them. But her present self didn't give a flying fuck.

Max was still in shock. Max remained in shock, his eyes fixed on Zander, who held a grip on her arm while shooting death glares at him. He was holding up well despite being afraid. She knew Max would never hurt her, at least not physically, but Zan didn't. Later, after they'd settled down, she would probe him to see how much damage Max had done.

"Right then, family, where to begin?" she said, smiling. "Did you miss me?"

"How could we not?" Darren asked, stepping forward to hug her. Emilia hugged him back, glad that at least she had his support. If Max didn't want Zander, she hoped his uncle would be there for him.

"Oh Darren, you're still sweet as always"

"Yes. But I'm also mad that you left," He replied, releasing her. "Where have you been? I looked everywhere for you, Em. Where did you go?"

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm here now and I'll be staying for good"

"After you've settled down, you and I are going to have a serious talk," he said, then grabbed a waiter passing by with glasses "Can you call Mel for me?" he asked just as the housekeeper appeared wheeling someone forward.

Emilia turned to look at the two. One woman had been like an aunt to her, while the other had done everything she could to get rid of her. The great Mrs. Genevieve Carter had made her life a living hell and almost cost the life of her son because she didn't approve of Max marrying her. All the things she'd done came rushing back and Emilia couldn't stop herself from saying, "My, my Mrs. Carter. How the mighty have fallen." The woman only stared at her. As if she couldn't recognize who Emilia was, but when she did, her eyes went round with shock. The same shock rose to another level when she saw Zander. Instinctively, Emilia pushed him behind her. "I would say it's nice to see you again but I would be lying"

"Why you..." Max started, but Darren held him back again.

"Easy, bro. Your son is watching"

"You shouldn't have come back here," he snarled lowly so that only she could hear him.

Shrugging it off, Emilia winked at him. "How you feel towards me doesn't matter, dear husband. Truly"

"Why are you really here? What do you want?" Gwen asked, finally finding her voice.

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