It's for characters that don't go in my individual roleplay book, because they don't have a plot already and are mainly for tagging to be in other roleplays. But if you can think of a storyline you may roleplay with these characters!
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<<F U L L N A M E>> Psyche
<<N I C K N A M E>> Maybe Psy?
<<N A M E M E A N I N G>> Named after a Greek goddess with similar attributes
<<G E N D E R>> Female
<<S E X U A L I T Y>> Lesbian Ace, maybe biromantic
<<C R U S H>> Scorpia, 2nd choice Perfuma
<<A G E>> 19/20 (Because I'm guessing Scorpia is like 20 or 21 or something)
<<B I R T H D A Y>> March 2nd
<<S P E C I E S>> Human/Princess
<<P O W E R S>> Gets them from a small scale runestone. Basically like Mantis from GOTG with the psychometric powers and can read emotion and provide advice. Was a spirit medium for a village under Princess Perfuma's reign. Can also put people to sleep. Has slight future vision, like Garnet.
<<S I DE>> None
<<A L I G N M E N T>> Good/Neutral
<<R O L E>> Princess of the mind/oracle
<<A P P E A R A N C E>> She has dull grayish hair with a lavender tint. Her eyes are amber and she has pale skin. She's pretty short, and only a b-cup breasts. She has freckles, and often bags under her eyes. It's often still so it's mistaken as a hair clip but her pet moth rides on her head when its not off hunting.
<<I M A G E S>> (All art by Glumdrops)
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