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Sebastian’s POV:

“Hello? Is this the admissions office?”

 A stern looking woman wearing spectacles looked up. “Yes?’

“ Good morning, my name is Sebastian and I am a new student here for the second year in Theatre Studies. I was told to report here on my first day of school?” 

The women regarded me properly for the first time. “ Sebastian Lee I presume?” 

I nodded my head vigorously. “That’s me.” 

“Wait one moment.” The woman went inside the office, and came out with a few pieces of paper. “This is your list of books that you must buy with regards to your studies, and this is your timetable. Now if you would please follow me to your classroom.” And with that, she proceeded to brisk walk off, leaving me in the dust. I almost had to run to catch up with her.

After a few minutes, she stopped and ushered me into the class. “Mr Kim,” she addressed the male teacher, “ This is the new student in your class.”

Mr Kim nodded and turned towards me. “ Ah! Hello there! Please, do come in.” I warily stepped into class, and immediately started surveying the surroundings.

It seemed that my classmates were buzzing excitedly about something which I did not know, so much so that they were completely oblivious to my presence, until the teacher had to clear his throat and ask them to be quite.

No matter, I was used to being ignored. 

“Class settle down please. Now this is our new student, Sebastian I believe, and I want you all to help him to integrate into life here at Dongguk University.” He smiled at me. “Would you like to introduce yourself?” 

I smiled. I had spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted to say, and had checked whether I would mess up with the Korean language. You know, first impressions and all that. 

“Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Sebastian Lee, and I am 19 years old. I am from Singapore in Southeast Asia, and I enjoy playing sports and singing. I hope to get to know you all better, and please take care of me.” I finished my short speech with a bow.

Polite applause filled the classroom. Mr Kim then said “ Thank you Sebastian. Unfortunately we only have seats at the back left, however we will be changing our seating arrangement throughout the year, so could you please make your way there for the time being?”

Of course I didn’t mind being alone, but sooner or later I needed to make friends. I trudged towards my seat and sat down, with an empty space next to me. 

As Mr Kim began his introductory speech of the second year of uni to us, I studied my classmates. They looked nice enough, not menacing, and generally very happy people. And damn, the girls were really cute as well. 

Seb you nuthead, no distractions anymore.

Ok ok.

Just as Mr Kim began talking about the criteria to pass to the third year of university, there was a slight knock on the door of the classroom. He stopped in his tracks, as he opened the door and exclaimed, “ Ah! Our last student!”

A girl with long, flowing brown hair stepped into the classroom somewhat timidly, and almost instantaneously all the other guys gasped and tapped each other on the shoulder. 

“ I’m sorry I’m late sir, I had to oblige my fan’s requests. I won’t be late again.”

I didn’t pay her too much attention until I happened to strafe my eyes across her, and she made eye contact with me.

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