Discomfort in the Library

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Naeun’s POV:

One week had passed since I had met Sebastian Lee in class, and boy, was I learning new things about him as fast as you could blink. He had divulged so many interesting facts about himself that it seemed like I had known him since when we were little.

However, whenever I brought up his past in Singapore, he always seemed to become quiet and do his best to change the topic as quickly as possible. I couldn’t help but be curious to find out what was bothering him about the previous chapter of his life, and the way in which he always acted made me even more determined to find out and help him.

So, here we were in the library, the two of us, sitting with a pile of textbooks between us related on the topic of drawing relations between Asian and Western theatre forms. Since we had been sitting together all this one week, the teacher naturally assigned us to be group partners.

In all honesty, writing 20 page reports was not my cup of tea, but you can imagine how amazed and happy I was when Sebastian volunteered to take the lead in the project, because of my busy schedule. He was really a genuinely nice person.

“ Naeun, why don’t you compile the similarities between the two forms of theatre and write about how one was derived from the other and so on?” Sebastian’s voice came from beside me.

“ Yeah sure Seb, but can I take a quick break? I’m spent.”

He looked up from his computer, where he had been typing away furiously. His eyebrows furrowed in concern. “ Is everything ok? Can I help?”

“ Oh no, nothing’s wrong, just a bit tired, that’s all.”

He clearly picked up on my lie. “ It’s your schedule, isn’t it?”

I sighed and nodded my head.

He nodded in approval. “ Sure, go take a break and freshen up.” With that, he went back to his work.

Wow. He seems so kind. It’s like he really cares for me.

Wait wait, I take it back. I didn’t mean it in that way.


15 minutes later:


“I’m back,” I announced as I took a seat next to Sebastian, who was still typing away at the report. He has a fantastic work ethic, I’ll give him that.

“You ready to get started?” he asked.

“Sure! Let’s do this.” I said, with what I hoped was a look of determination on my face.

“Naeun fighting!” I whispered to myself as I began to open the first textbook.

As I pored over the wealth of knowledge the textbook gave to me, I realized I was gonna need more than 1 textbook to possibly even come up with a complete segment of the work needed.

It seemed that Sebastian could read my thoughts, because he said almost right after I had come to that conclusion, “ Hey Naeun, you might want to check this book, it might be quite useful for your part.”

Without glancing up, almost rudely, I asked “ Sure. Hand it over.”

I reached out my hand in the general direction of the book, and clasped the first thing I could grab hold of.

Except that the thing I grabbed onto wasn’t hard and cold like a book cover. This “thing” was soft and warm and smooth.

And it felt nice to touch, so I held on to it.

For a bit too long.

He cleared his throat and meekly said “ umm Naeun, could you please, ah, take your hand off mine?”

Oh man. Now the whole library was staring at us, and our little “moment” together.

I felt myself going completely red and blushing incessantly.

“Ohh, um sorry..” I drew my hand and quickly took the book I was supposed to take from him. As stares from the rest of the people in the library bore down on me, I flipped the textbook open and pretended to be deeply immersed.

Truth be told,  my mind was in overdrive.


I held his hand.

And I liked it.

Was I falling for him?

Nonsense. It was too early for that.

As you can probably tell, my thoughts were very scrambled up, and frantic.

I peeked up, and was rewarded with the intriguing sight of Sebastian smiling, and then subsequently smirking to himself.

Did he enjoy it like I did? Why else would he smirk?

Unless he likes the fact that a girl tenderly touched his hand? I mean, how many guys wouldn’t like that?

“Aish, enough speculation, go back to your work and pretend that nothing happened. Focus.” I told myself.

But that was easier said than done.


Hi guys, hope y’all had a good day.

Short chap this time, to mix it up a bit.

Dang, sparks be flying already! Haha. But more on a serious note, I would say this is the preliminary start of the “romance” between Seb and Naeun.

Yes. If you hadn’t already guessed, this fanfic involved romance. Sorry to disappoint you if you expected different.

Sorry if this scene seemed real cheesy, I’ll do my best to improve on them in the future.

Thanks for reading! If you liked it, please vote, means a lot to me!

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