A Raven's Cry

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Sophia watched as the family maid cleaned her room for her. "It's absolutely disgusting that you would work for us during the holidays, you should be ashamed." She said happily. The maid made a face but Sophia didn't see. Evelyn did. She laughed and put her hand on the workers shoulder, "She means she's thankful."

The maid nodded at her before leaving the room. "Maybe we should be cleaning ourselves..." Evelyn muttered to herself and sat on Sophia's bed. She looked to her sister, who was now looking as crestfallen as she had been for the past few weeks. Evelyn smiled and outstretched her arms to her. Sophia noticed and reluctantly went over to her sister who pulled her in abruptly.

In what looked like a blur of purples, Evelyn had pulled Sophia onto her lap and was holding her close. It was a closeness that would have only been seen behind a closed door, or subtly dropped in sentences. Sophia laid her head on Evelyn's shoulder, leaving her arms relaxed on her own lap.

Because of the size difference, it was a little awkward balancing, but Sophia had slowly learned over the years what everyone does; how to comfort and be comforted. "Will she be excited that we asked a maid to clean instead of doing it ourselves?" Sophia asked. Evelyn laughed, "Oh, don't worry about what I said. I'm pretty sure all we need is the house clean."

As Sophia's family was immigrants, they were all still becoming accustomed to the town's culture. This would be their fourth Obon festival and they were only now getting the hang of it all. The concept of celebrating death was rather new to Sophia and the thought of ghosts entering the homes of villagers more scary than comforting.

The door to her room opened after a few knocks and Sophia abruptly left her sisters comforting embrace. Karina entered, wearing that appeared to be a men's Yukata being held together with a woman's Heko-obi. The sound of her traditional geta tapped on the floor as she entered. In her hands she held two unlit lanterns that were soon placed on the floor.

"Karina, you look completely appalling." Sophia said with a smile. She approached her friend and took her by the hands in a display of affection, "Absolutely dreadful."

It took Karina an entire 3 seconds to realize Sophia was speaking in opposites again, in a situation where it normally would only take one. Karina was feeling only a little on the self-conscious side today, "Thanks...?" she said in her apathetic tone, "It was my dad's when he was younger."

"Is it tradition to wear the clothes of those who passed on?" Evelyn asked, suddenly wondering if the Yukata she had made herself wouldn't be acceptable anymore. "Uhh... nooo?" Karina replied. Evelyn let out a sigh, "I'm always so worried about messing this stuff up."

"Well I mean... you guys are a total day late when it came to cleaning... that was supposed to be done yesterday..." Karina muttered her words. Barely caring enough about what she had to say to put any emotion into it. Sophia and Evelyn let out a shocked noise in sync which finally caused any kind of emotional reaction from Karina. She laughed with her hand on her stomach, "Guys, chill out. It's no problem I'm sure your ancestors didn't mind."

Karina scanned the room, hoping to find other things they messed up with just to see some kind of reaction. She noticed Sophia had a basket of oranges on her nightstand. Next to it was a tear pendant. Karina knew exactly why it was put out and the sinking pain in her stomach stopped her from teasing the fact that only food is meant to be left out.

Evelyn stood up from her spot on Sophia's bed and dusted herself off. "Well I guess it's about time to change. I'll go get the Yukata's I made!" And just like that Karina and Sophia were alone in the room together. Karina, being too lazy to speak and Sophia; being too lost in thought to say anything. It was a silence most people would find uncomfortable, but it was a familiar silence Sophia and Karina currently needed.

A Raven's Cry (Rune Factory 3)Where stories live. Discover now