4 - The Ruins Of Life

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Underlined text is actual dialogue from the game

Sun's POV

I left the Dimensional Research Lab. Something about what Lillie told me stuck with me, though.

"She's been like a real mother to me..." Thats what she said. That must mean that Burnet is like... Her foster mom? But that begs the question, where is her actual mother? Who is her actual mother?

I made it to the Diglett's Tunnel and met Olivia there. We talked for a short bit, and she told me to meet her tomorrow at the Ruins of Life for her grand trial, but first I should go to KoniKoni city. I walked through the cave, and battled a few Pokemon to train.
I met some people in white clothes who said they worked with the Aether Paradise. I helped them calm down a few Digglets before moving on in the cave
I battled a few trainers, taking them all down of course.
At the exit of the tunnel I was met with those Team Skull grunts. To be honest, I forgot they even existed.
Hau showed up just in time and helped me sweep them out of the way easily. I left the cave and met a man in a trench coat, calling himself Looker.
Soon, I made it to KoniKoni City
I stayed the night at the Pokemon Center in one of their rent able rooms.
I laid in bed, I slept earlier, but woke up. I couldn't go back to sleep afterwards. My mind was wandering off about Lillie...

"Hey, Rotom." I nudged the sleeping Pokedex that sat on the night stand next to my bed.

"Zzt, Zzt. Sun? You're still awake? Whatcha need?" He asked me.

"What... What do you think of Lillie?" I asked him. Rotom stared blankly at me for a little bit.

"So that'zz who you've been thinking about Zzt!" Rotom exclaimed.

'W-what?! No! That's not who I've been thinking about!" I said, sitting straight up in bed. My face was warm, but it was too dark to see anything but Rotom's glowing screen.

"Yep! It definitely izz who you've been thinking about, Zzt!" Rotom said, I could see him covering his mouth in a snicker.

"You know what?! We're done talking for tonight!" I said, turning over, away from Rotom.
There was silence for a little bit. I could hear Rotom's Pokedex noise from processing something, but what?

"Sun! Zzzt!" Rotom said.

"What now?" I responded.

"Do you... Zzzt, perhaps... Like Lillie?" Rotom asked.

"W-WHAT?! No! Of course n-not! T-That would be... ridiculous..." I said. I thought about it. Me... Liking... Lillie? I mean, that would explain why I'm thinking about her so much, why sometimes, I feel different about her, why.....

Oh my god. I like Lillie.

No, of course I don't, why, why would I like her? It's not like, sometimes I think about standing really close to her, or maybe, like, holding her hand to see how it... feels... Uh oh...

No, it, it can't be, I don't! I don't have a crush on Lillie!

"H-how did you even come to that conclusion?!" I frantically say to Rotom.

"Oh, Zzzt, I simply searched the Pokedex data, and compared your behavior and Lillie's behavior to Pokemon, discovering that there are many similarities between your behaviors and mating behavior in Poke-" I cut him of, grabbing him out of the air.

"M-MATING?! OK! THAT'S ENOUGH ROTOM!" I yelled, shaking him. I jumped out of bed, and ran down to the cafe area to help me cool down.
I sat at one of the bar stools, still in my pajamas.

"Um, Komala Coffee, please." I said to the barista.

"Sure thing!" He said, pouring the cup. He handed me the finished cup. I looked down at the cup and saw my reflection. My hair was a mess.
"Something the matter, kid?" He said, looking at me concerned.

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