*Aslan's Camp

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We make it to the frozen river as fast as we can, a frozen waterfall and cracking ice greet us. The ice is chipping and flowing down the river at a fast speed, not to mention the current looks strong, even from up here. "We need to cross, now!" Peter says in a panic. "Don't beavers make dams?" Lucy asks hopefully. "I'm not that fast, dear," Mr. Beaver says back, not rudely but not sweetly. "Come on," Peter urges grabbing Lucy's arm, leading her to a path to climb down. As I go to follow Susan grabs my arm and turns to the others, "wait! Will you just think about this for a minute?" Peter stops and spins around to face her, "we don't have a minute." Susan looks at me, hoping I'd side with her. "I'm sorry but he's right. More and more ice is slipping away by the second," I try not to upset her, just let her know where I stand. "I'm just trying to be realistic," she says slightly offended. "No. You're trying to be smart. As usual," Peter snaps back and starts climbing down. "Being smart isn't a bad thing Su, but we have to go," in the distance, we hear a howl, I grab Susan's arm and pull her with me, "now!"

We all climb down as quickly and carefully as possible, so we don't slip and fall into the, most likely, frigid waters. We carefully make it to the bottom of the cliff's pass and stop behind the beavers. We can hear the ice crackling and I become nervous, we have to cross carefully, and the wolves aren't far behind. Peter takes a step forward only for the ice to crack more, I quickly pull him back by his coat in fear. "Maybe I should go first," Mr. Beaver offers. Peter looks down at him, "maybe you should."

Beavers are lighter than people and can check for weak spots in the ice for us to avoid. Mr. Beaver does just that, he takes a few steps smacking his tail on the ice, the ice cracks a little bit under him, and I grab Peter's hand instinctively. "You've been sneaking second helpings, haven't you?" Mrs. Beaver accuses. "Well, you never know which meal's gonna be your last. Especially with your cooking," Mr. Beaver jokes hoping to lighten the mood as more ice cracks.

When Mr. Beaver is a few feet ahead of us Peter starts forward, more carefully this time. My hand leaves his and reattaches to Lucy's smaller ones as I trail behind her, Susan not far behind. The ice cracks at our weight and Lucy shrieks, letting go of my hand and grasping Peter's arm. I feel Susan grab my arm as more ice begins to crack, when she's steadied herself, she lets go but stays close. "If mum knew what we were doing..." She trails off as she walks. "Mum's not here!" Peter snap, I'm guessing out of fear or worry. As we continue walking, I see Lucy look up, "oh no," she yells. My head snaps up to where she's looking and I gasp, the wolves are running over the top of the frozen waterfall, they found us. "Run!" We all start moving faster, ice cracking quicker under our feet, and it doesn't help when a wolf jumps onto the ice in front of us. We turn our heads behind us and see they have us trapped on the ice.

Mr. Beaver hisses at them but a wolf lunges at him, grabbing him by the scruff. "No!" Mrs. Beaver and I shout, but as I do the ice under my right foot gives way, Susan pulls me towards her and the others. "Careful Princess," the wolf sneers at me, "get too hot out here and you and your friends here will fall through. Wouldn't want that, now would we?" I glare down at him in anger, but he has a point, I have to have control. The wolf steps towards us menacingly and Peter puts himself in front of the three of us and pulls out his new sword. "Put that down, boy. Someone could get hurt," the wolf continues forward, but we can't move back, the ice behind us has chipped away with the current. "Don't worry about me! Run him through!" Mr. Beaver yells only for the wolf holding him to tighten his grip.

"Leave now while you still can, and your brother leaves with you," the wolf still slowly creeps forward. "Stop, Peter! Maybe we should listen to him!" Susan yells. Is she serious? They'll only stab us in the back and hand us to the Witch on a silver platter. "Smart girl," the wolf chuckles deeply. "Don't listen to him!" Mr. Beaver struggles, "kill him! Kill him now!" The wolf rolls his eyes, "oh, come on. This isn't your war. All my Queen wants is for you to take your family and go. But she stays," the wolf growls up at me, but Peter doesn't move, keeping his sword pointed at the wolf in front of us protectively. "Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword, it doesn't make you a hero! Just drop it!" Susan yells at her older brother. Peter looks over at Susan, all of us terrified, the ice still melting away at a steadily fast pace. "No, Peter! Narnia needs you," Mr. Beaver argues. "Gut him while you still have a chance!" Peter takes a few slow steps forward, but the wolf seems unfazed.

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