Noah x Bailey x Reader

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Well, this is Noah talking and today Now United is in China, we've been in many festivals here and we are going back to the hotel right now in our bus. Today all I want is lay down and sleep until tomorrow.

When we finally got in the hotel, i went to my bedroom, which one was shared with Bailey. He came after me so quickly I couldn't even see it. It seemed like he wanted to tell me something, I hope it isn't what I think..

Bailey closed the door behind us and said:

—Noah, man, I've something to propose..well, let's go out with me today? So like that, Y/N wouldn't notice any bad at it, please let's go

Let me explain you all what's happening: Bailey dates our French girl Y/N, ever since they got in NU, she's been my closest friend ever, but what she didn't know, what he didn't know is that I've been in love with her since the beggining, but i felt froze everytime i tried to tell her everything. Until the time she started dating Bailey.

But what hurts me the most is: Bailey cheats on her every trip we go. He always go out, with josh (even though Any hates it), or Lamar..or me. And he uses it so he can meet girls without Y/N knowing about it. I wish I could tell her, but it would break her heart and I don't want this, but at the same time I feel so tired of all this crap, I shouldn't be hiding this from her..

—Bailey, you can't be serious, again? -I say with my annoyed voice

—I swear it's the last time, but you know, we are in China and..

—And you can't be with your girlfriend so you have to look for another one to place her? - I had to say it

—C'mon, Noah, Josh can't go with me, Krys would never forgive me, where's my friend?

—Bailey, I can't do this anymore, I'm sorry.

— You're looking like a lil girl, I though i could count on you. -He said being pissed and leaving the bedroom ready to go out.

—Count to me when you decide to tell her the truth. - I said to myself.

When I decided to take a bath and then go to sleep. Someone Knock's my door, I believe Bailey forgot something. But when I open it, i look at my beloved friend Y/N waiting.

—Hey boo -she says- can i come in? 

—Of course, beauty, why not? - I say without controling myself

— Alright -she says sitting in Bailey's bedroom - I wanted to talk to you about something..Bailey's looking strange, I mean, he went out and he didn't tell me, he didn't went with any of the boys, why would he do that?

— Baby, I don't actually think that I should be envolved on this, you know? I think you should follow your thoughts and talk to him. You really should do it. I wish i could help you a little bit more but I can't, I'm sorry. - I say with all the regret i could have.

—I know you so well, boo, I know you're hiding something from me, and I know that if you could, you'd tell me, so it's fine, really, i'll just wait him to show up.

—Alright, we could watch a movie, you know? Put this things out of your head. -I propose

—This is the best idea you could've had tonight. - she laughs

I put Hachiko: A Dog's Story on tv and we lay down to watch it. I couldn't help but think how lucky bailey could be if he knew how to enjoy every moment with her. She cried during the movie, she laugh with everything and she was just an angel. Her voice in all the songs, our duos together and all the times i saw her dancing. She bured her face in my chest in the sad part of the movie and I couldn't stop the tear that went down my face. 

—Angel, are you okay? - she asks me 

—Yeah, baby, this movie is just so sad -i do my best on lying 

—damn yes, it's the saddest after the Lion King. - we laugh

We were in peace until we heard someone getting in the room. It was Bailey, and he looked so drunk. So drunk.

—Y/N, what are you doing here? I was down there, in the pool, that's why I haven't tell you anything. - Bailey tries to explain himself

—No Bailey - She gets up from the bed. Stands in front of him -  You weren't 

And I decide its time to leave this bedroom. 

—I'll be down in the lobby if you need me. -  I say and leave

I got in the lobby and sat in the couch with a world in my head. What if bailey told her the truth? It'd break her, but also, what if he didn't tell her the truth? - I didn't have much time to think because Y/N appeared in front of me, crying, looking desperated

—Noah, please, take me out of here, let's get out, i need to get out, i don't want to see his face. -She says 

—Wow, alright, alright, let's leave -I grab her by her shoulders and take her off the hotel 

We walked for a while and sat in a bench in a garden near the hotel, but it was far enough for her to breath

—Calm down, baby, you're alright, you can breath right now. Do you wanna talk about it? - I ask her softly.

—Noah I can't believe what he did, he denied everything but his smell..he just smelled like girls and beers and all of this stuff..oh my god, all of it happened behind my backs, all the times he went out and i believed he was just knowing the city with the boys. Damn it -She put it out

—I know..and i feel sorry i couldn't tell you, it wasn't something i could get in.

—It's fine you know, it's hurting right now but i know it will pass, i just don't know how i'll be going to see him everyday, and sing with him like anything have happened.

—I'll be with you in every minute, i promise, you're not alone, you have me and the girls and everything will be fine. - i promise her with all i have

— Thank you, boo, i wouldn't know what to do if didn't have you. I think we can go back now, i feel a lil more ready.  -She holds my hand, looks at me and gets up and so do i.

—You can do it.

When we entered the hotel, Bailey were sitting in the lobby's couch, it seemed like he was waiting for her.

When looked at our hands, it was instantaneous, he got up 

—What the hell is going on here? So that's it Noah? You tell her my secrets, when i trusted you and you enjoy this moment to take my girlfriend to you? holding hands with her? That's what all your show was about? So You like her, huh? Trying to make me look like a clown right now? -Bailey asks looking nothing more than very pissed at us

—Bailey, don't talk like you are my boyfriend alright? Noah has been by my side all this time, he supported me when you weren't here, when you were too busy looking for other chicks. So don't you ever talk like you have any reason on it. -She says- And you know what? He's not holding my hand, I'm holding his.

And with this, she pushes me to the elevator and we go to her bedroom, which one she was sharing with Any, that obviously was in Josh's room right now.

—Got I can't believe he tried to blame you and me

—I'm sorry, Y/N, I think he was right about something.. -I say looking down to the floor

— Noah, honey, but what he would be right about? - She says catching my hand.

—I like you, Y/N, I've liked you since the beggining, when we started being friends, i never had the guts to tell you, but right now it's pretty clear that i need to make you know I love you

—Oh my god, Noah, I thought you never saw in me more than a friend, i waited your words, i waited to hear this in the beggining of all of this, but it never came..

—I'm sorry i'm late

—You're not, because i also had like you since the beggining, i though i had forgotten you but i didn't.

I couldn't wait anymore, so I kissed her.

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