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The search...

Well I don't know what's up but Joseph didn't show for lunch and nobody has neither him or Bridget.

"Guys, is it me or Joseph didn't show up to school today?" Trevon asked as he approached Stemar and I in the parking lot

"What?" I asked

"Am I dreaming or something. Joseph never skips school!" Stemar pointed out

"Yeah, exactly. This only happen when... Oh shit!" Trevon said as he realizes something "guys! Call Joseph right now!" He added

"No answer guys." Stemar said

"Guys! Look" I said gesturing to Bridget who seems to be walking with Okeera

"What the fuck is that about?" Trevon asked, I could tell he was angry as was I

"Joseph mentioned something about Bridget leaving the party with someone Saturday. Wanna take a wild guess who?" Trevon said

"Let's find out. Shall we?" I said as I tightened my fist and started walk up to them, Trevon did the same

"No! No, stop! That's probably not the best idea guys." Stemar said as he stood in front of us with both his palms in our chests.

I reached for my phone and texted dad;

Hey dad, did Joseph leave the house for school this morning?

Yeah. Why?

Just checking, since no one spotted him at school today

Joseph skipped school! What the hell is wrong you children?

Seriously nigga?

Yes right, sorry about that. What about his girlfriend?

Thanks for the go ahead dad! Seeyah

"Stemar, you're right. Please step aside so I can go ask Bridget a question." I said to Stemar kindly and he stepped aside "but if Okeera gets in my way, you know what happens then." I added as walked off towards Bridget and Okeera

"Richardo!" Stemar called out to me and I raised my middle finger over my head.

"Hey tramp! Or you rather whore?" I said approaching them

"You don't get to call her that, asshole!" Okeera said standing a few feet in front of me. I laughed to myself and held my head down and walk up to him, when I'm close enough I looked up to him and said

"Says who, thief?" I am so angry right now, "I think its best if you weigh your next words very careful." I pointed out and he laugh

"Says who? I thought it was obvious but I guess Joseph is the smart one."

-This dude is playing games with his life -
I thought to myself

"What did you say? Please I beg you, say that again." I said as I am about to explode

"Hmm, I said...-" he was interrupted by my fist sending a few teeth down his throat. He stood there in shock, as he came back to his senses and started come at me, I broke his nose with one punch. He staggered backwards, I heard Stemar saying enough but no I wanted more, so much more. To finish him off I drove a punched to the base of his throat locking his breath off. He fell to floor suffering from lack of oxygen, I stood there watch him getting paler and paler, Bridget knelt there trying to help him

"What the fuck is you deal!!" Bridget shouted at me holding Okeera in her hands. Pathetic I thought to myself

"You're coming me bitch!" I said as I drag her from the ground, throw her over my shoulders. She tried to give me a hard time so I applied pressure in between her eyes long enough for her to drop asleep. "Now that's more like it!" I said as I place her down gently on the back seat of my car, buckle her seatbelt and go around in the driver's seat.

"What the hell was that?" Trevon asked smiling, Stemar shook his head.

"Meet me at the house." I said as I started the engine

"The mansion?" They asked in unison

"No, the lake house. We going on a little trip." I said driving off the school compound.

------1hr later in the car----------

I heard her shuffling behind me as she awaken.
"You're back early." Is all I said glancing at her through the rare view mirror

"Uh, you bastard!" She said trying to move but failed, "wh-what have you done to me? I can move" she asked

"I didn't do anything to you... Not yet at least. You're just tired from your nap." I looked at her again, "you hungry?" I asked and she looked at me surprise for a moment

"Yes, I could eat something." She finally answered. I reached for the pocket on the dash board take out one of the nutrient bar and handed it to her, she ate it.

Very shortly after she asks, "what was that?... I'm feeling drowsy"

"Oh nothing to kill you, just to put you back to bed until we reach" she didn't say anything after that so I assumed she out again.

At the house----------

I heard my brothers pull up in the drive way so I went out to meet them.
"What took you guys so long?

"Neither of us remembered where to find this place, we had to track your phone." Trevon said

"Where is Bridget?" Stemar asked

"Inside, wait Trevon did you just say track my phone?" I said realizing how to find Joseph

"Yes..." He said still not picking up

"I think we just found Joseph!" I exclaimed

"But let's deal with the Bridget problem first." Stemar said same time his phone rang "its Joseph!" He said

"Speaker!" Trevon said

Hello Joseph! Where are you man?

Stemar I need to talk to you about something

Okay. Tell me where you are and I'll come meet you

No, meet me at the lake house around 9 tonight. And don't tell the others where you're going

Okay no problem bro

The line went dead

"You think he did anything yet?" Trevon asked
"Maybe that's why he want to talk." I said
"Guys let's deal with Bridget so you go before he comes." Stemar said
"We are not leaving you here." I said
"Let's move our cars and go upstairs and hide." Trevon said

Well I guess you guys have another chapter😁😁😁😁😁😁
Hope you enjoyed it

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