Dear Diary

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Princess Sofia usually loved her stepsister, Amber, although they are polar opposites. Sofia usually respected other people's privacy while Amber is pretty nosy, especially around Sofia, which is why she spied on her sometimes. But one day, Amber learned the hard way to respect other people's privacy.

Amber and her best friends, Princesses Hildegard and Clio, were in the rose garden in Enchancia Castle.

"Are you ready to write in your brand new diaries?" Amber asked.

"Yes, we are," said Hildegard and Clio.

"Great," said Amber.

"I have my fucshia and pink diary."

"I have my green and teal diary," said Hildegard.

"And I have my magenta and red diary," said Clio.

The princesses each pulled their diaries out of their bags, and they each pulled out three colored pens. Amber pulled out a pink pen, a green pen, and a plum pen. Hildegard pulled out a red pen, an orange pen, and a magenta pen. Clio pulled out a gold pen, a marigold pen, and a teal pen. Amber decided to write with pink, Hildegard magenta, and Clio teal.

Each princess tried to think of what to write in their diaries, but they didn't know what to write.

"The sun sure is bright," said Hildegard.

"It sure is," said Clio.

"And it's very quiet," said Amber. "I can't think when it's this quiet."

Amber, Clio, and Hildegard had a hard time thinking—and it wasn't because the sun was too bright or the garden was too quiet.

"I haven't written a single word in my diary," sighed Amber.

"Me neither," said Clio.

"I haven't written anything in my diary yet," said Hildegard. "If only we could think of what to write, then we'd write in our diaries."

Suddenly, Sofia came happily waltzing into the garden, holding her own purple and blue diary to her chest and humming a beautiful song to herself.  Amber, Hildegard, and Clio didn't seem to understand why Sofia is so happy.

"Amber, your sister sure is acting oddly today," said Hildegard.

"I know, Hildy," said Amber. "She's been acting like this for a whole week."

Clio started to sense something about Sofia. "Oh,  she's  got it bad," she said.

Amber was shocked. "What? What has she got?" she asked.

"Isn't it obvious, Amber?" Hildegard asked. "Sofia is in love." 

Amber started to think Hildegard was right. "Maybe you're right," she said. " If Sofia is in love, I have to know. Let's go and see what Sofia is up to."

Amber, Hildegard, and Clio went to go and see the happy little princess.

"Hello, Sofia," said Amber. "How are you doing?"

"Fine, Amber," said Sofia. "How are your diaries coming?"

"Just great, Sofia," said Clio. Amber, Hildegard, and Clio saw that Sofia had already filled a lot of pages in her diary.

"Wow, you've filled a lot of pages," said Hildegard.

"Well, there's a lot to write about," said Sofia.

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