Hugo's Rattled Nerves

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The next day at school, Sofia and Hugo were in their gym class. Sofia was on the uneven bars, and Hugo was doing backhand springs on the balance beam until...

"Hello, Prince Hugo!" Amber screamed.

Amber had screamed really loudly, and it scared Hugo so much that he fell off the balance beam and onto the mat.

"Are you okay?" Amber asked. "Did I scare you?"

"Yes and yes," groaned Hugo in annoyance. "What is going on, Amber?"

"Nothing," said Amber innocently. "I just wanted to see you. What's new with you?"

"The only new thing going on is that you're flirting with me when you're interested in Desmond," said Hugo, slipping away. 

"Don't be silly," said Amber. "The only new thing going on with you is the fact that you're being kinda funny."

"I'm not being funny," said Hugo. "I'm getting outta here!" He fled right into the locker room.

"Hugo, wait!" Amber called.

"Princess Amber, stop flirting with the princes, and get exercising," said the gym teacher strictly.

"Okay," said Amber.

The gym teacher went into the locker room to check on Hugo. Everyone looked at Amber weirdly.

"Sofia, what has been going on with Amber?" asked Princess Vivian.

"I don't know," said Sofia. "She's been acting strangely lately."

Later, the princes and princesses were outside. Amber was calling, "Prince Hugo, where are you?" She came across Sofia, who was reading a book.

"Sofia, have you seen Prince Hugo?" Amber asked.

"He went to see Sir Gillium," said Sofia.

"Okay," said Amber.

But when Amber took off, it turned out that Hugo really wasn't with Sir Gillium. As soon as Amber was completely out of sight, Sofia called, "Okay, Hugo. You can come out now."

Hugo had emerged from a bush with his face scratched, and he was covered in leaves.

"Maybe you should've hidden in the trees," said Sofia. "You look like a mess."

"I know," said Hugo. "Amber is really getting under my skin. I wish she'd leave me alone."

"It looks like she'll leave you alone for now," said Sofia. "She's flirting with Desmond."

Amber flirted with Desmond endlessly right in front of everybody. Sofia was disgusted with Amber's weird behavior.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," groaned Hugo, putting his hands to his tummy.

 Later that day, Amber and James were in art class.

"Amber, what's going on?" James asked. "You've been flirting with Desmond AND Hugo so much."

"That's not important, James," said Amber. "Have you seen Sofia and Hugo?"

"Sofia is with Hugo in the nurses' office because he has a scratch from outside, and they have to see the gym teacher for some meditation," said James.

"Why do they need to do meditation?" Amber asked.

"Because you've been rattling Hugo's nerves too much, and the meditation is going to calm him down," said James.

Amber was jealous that Sofia got to be with Hugo for meditation.

Meanwhile, in the gym, Sofia and Hugo were ready for some meditation.

"You're here, Prince Hugo, because your nerves are rattled," said the gym teacher. "I presume this is all because of Princess Amber?"

"Yes," said Hugo.

"Alright, let's start with the simple position," said the gym teacher.

Sofia and Hugo sat down on the mat with their wrists on their knees.

"Comfortable?" the gym teacher asked.

Sofia and Hugo nodded as they got comfortable.

"Now your close your eyes, and breathe," said the gym teacher.

Sofia and Hugo closed their eyes and took deep breaths. Hugo was starting to feel better.

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