1.There is a giant with a empty stomaph and a cartoon of eggs.How many eggs does he have to eat so his stomaph is not empty anymore?
2.A man was found dead in snow,there were no footprints around him and but blood everywhere.No weapon was found on him or near him. Hint (: he is in the middle of nowhere.How did he get there and did he die?
3.A man murders his wife in the backseat of his car but with a knife.He leaves no fingerprints.He dumps the body and throws the knife over a clif and goes home.A while after he gets home the cops call him and ask him to come to the scene of the crime.When he gets there he is arrested.How did they know he did it.
1. One egg then his stomach would not be empty anymore.
2.He fell off a plane
3.They never told him where the crime scene was.