"you're such an asshole"

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(max's POV)
i found myself at mike wheelers front door. my fists balled up. i felt so angry i could just-
"um, max? what're you doing here?" i heard mike's stupid voice ask me. i shoved past him into his home.
"what the hell!" he yelled, shutting the door and chasing after me. i twirled around.
"you asshole!" i screamed, punching him in the arm. he rubbed his arm.
"ow! what the hell-?"
"cut the bullshit, mike. i know what you're doing." i yelled, crossing my arms. he looked at me, confused.
"telling el that i'm "making her think badly of you"? stop acting like a 5 year old, mike!" i punched him once more, in the opposite arm.
"well- it's true!" he snapped at me. i shook my head, laughing.
"i know why you're doing this." i said.
"what do you mean?" he asked obliviously.
"you're just afraid that el is starting to develop feelings for me, a girl!" i yelled, pointing to his face.
"no! i-."
"i know it, mike! you ruined me and el's relationship. even if we didn't have a romantic relationship, you ruined our goddam friendship!" i said, tears starting to come to my eyes. mike was silent, not knowing what to say. and to be honest, i didn't know either.
"i'm glad that you and el are friends, it's just-."
"well obviously you don't if you're being an asshole."
"what do you want me to do max? huh?" he asked crossing his arms. i rolled my eyes.
"so, what are you two like, dating now?" i asked angrily. he shrugged.
"you treat her like absolute garbage. and el deserves way better than that." i said shaking my head.
"i don't treat her like-."
"bullshit! you've always kept her from hanging out with me, and just- people in general!" i screamed in his face. "you're a control freak." he started frowning. i scoffed and started pacing. suddenly i turned to him.
"you know, i hope she eventually sees you're a rude selfish person. because you are." i said, shoving past him. just as i opened his door, i turned.
"you know what? you're such an asshole." mike stared at me in shock. i slammed the door behind me and got on my bike to ride home. i was crying the whole time.

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