Chapter 9

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~Lilas pov~
I came out of the water dripping wet. "UGH THAT STUPID LADYBUG! HAWKMOTH CAN I DO IT AGAIN!" no response. "UGH I HATE YOU TOO HAWKMOTH! YOUR SO STUPID IF YOU WANT THERE MIRACULOUSES STOP SEMDONG LITTLE KIDS! Then you blame me for not getting them!"

"Are you ok miss?" I look over and see the guy that always feed the pigeons.

"Yes I'm sorry did I interrupt you? I am so sorry! I should get going." Well that's embarrassing... I start walking home. Dripping wet. Then as I turn I corner I see Luka and y/n walking together. Holding hands?!? I hate you y/n. I will destroy your life. I took a quick picture and left. (Water proof phone case?) I sneak into the house and start planning on how to handle this situation.

"Lila? Is that you dear?" Ugh, mom leave me alone.

"Yes mom I'm home! And tired so goodnight!" I angrily go to sleep.

~next day y/n pov~

I rushed down stairs still dreaming of last night. My mom put eggs and a croissant on a plate and tells me to go feed my doggo. I pour some food in and shake it expecting to hear p/n come running.

"P/N!!" She comes running. "Alright here you go P/n." I say as I set the food down. She takes a sniff at it it and walks away. "P/n what's wrong? Mom p/n not eating..."

"Well maybe shes just not hungry right now. Here eat your breakfast. I'm sure she will eat hers later." She assured me. I dismissed the thought and scarfed down my food still happily thinking about last night. I like him?...maybe I do....

"Kay bye mom I'm off to school." I give her a quick hug and ran and met Juleka and Rose at the corner.

"Y/n! Juleka just told me that Luka walked you home last night you gotta fill me in on what happened!" Rose giggled.

"Omgosh you guys don't make a big deal out of it!" I rolled my eyes "But if you promise not to say anything to a soul." I waited for both to nod. "Ok. I think we had a connection...we held hands!" Rose squealed.

"Onmigosh mah ship! ITS FINALLY SAILING!" Juleka laughed.

"Ok guys stop it!" I joked. We rush off to school.

We open the door but instead of mrs. Bustier we saw a different teacher. She had curly dark red hair and she looked very angry. She pushed up her glasses as she watched the students walk in.

" Welcome class... I am Miss Constance. Your teacher is sick so I took time out of my busy schedule to teach you. All I ask is for you to pay attention and focus!" Everyone fell silent. As shuffled quickly to there seats.

"Dude I think I'm going to miss Bustier!" Nino whispered and playfully punched Adrien in the shoulder.

"YOU! go sit next to that girl in the back!" Miss Constance pointed at me. Nino quietly got up and sat next to me. As soon as her back was turned I took my chance.

"Sorry bro." I quickly whispered. Suddenly Lilas hand shot up.

"What now?" Miss Constance asked.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt but Nino and y/n are distracting me. Can I sit next to Adrien away from them?"

"Yes you may. as for y/n you will be separated from Nino and sit next to... what is your name dear?"


"Lilas partner....the red haired boy." I sighed and sat next to Nathaniel.

"THIS WILL BE YOUR SEATING ARRANGEMENT UNTIL I SAY OTHERWISE! or until miss Bustier get better. Now. Back to the lesson." Her voice drowned out as I pulled out my notebook and started doodling on the side of the paper. After what felt like days the bell rang. Everyone sighed and started packing there things.

"I DISMISS YOU NOT THE BELL!" shouted the teacher. Everyone sat down.

"Ummm that's not how it works. The bell is there for a reason. My father will hear about this! (Heh, wrong fandom) I mean, I dont think my daddy would like that very much." Chloe said waveing her phone around. Miss Constance marched up to her a snatched her phone.

"I dont think he will mind!" She said as she put her phone in a basket.

"Miss Constance, the law clearly states that the bell dismisses the students not the teacher. You could potentially lose your job for this." Max pushed up his glasses and smirked.

"Welp I'm outta here." I said as I got up and walked out calmly.

Soon everyone got up and walked out.she just stood there in disbelief. I looked back to see who all who were leaving. The only who hasn't left was Lila. Whatever. You do you.

~Lilas pov~
I needed an aly besides Hawkmoth. He wasnt very helpful. Miss Constance may be a substitute teacher, but at least she has control over them.

"Oh miss Constance. Life must be so hard getting ignored by your students. They dont respect you! But I do. I see how hard you work, I'm here for you miss Constance." She stopped writing on the chalkboard.

"Why do you not follow the other students?" She asked.

"Because...what they did was wrong."

Suddenly I saw an akuma flutter around her. Hmph you're welcome Hawkmoth.

"If they dont respect you, make them."

I saw the akuma fly into her ruler. I couldnt hear Hawkmoth but I did here her say "I see this as an absolute win!" Then a dark matter starting from her ruler crawling up her arm until her whole body was covered. Ah, I should probably leave now. I don't know what stupid power she got but I dont wanna be here to find out... I headed for the door but saw Luka was here to walk Juleka home. On second thought... I opened the door and faked a fall.

"LUKA HELP ME THE TEACHER HAD BEEN AKUMATIZED! LUKA HELP!" I started fake crying. He started for the stairs. Perfect. Suddenly I felt someone grab my leg.

"My, my what do I have here! Oh yes! It's my beloved student! You already respect me so you can be my T.A." she picked me up by my ankle with a tentical ruler thingy. she put an A+ sticker on me and suddenly I blacked out.

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