Chapter 10

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~Lukas pov~

I went in picking up Juleka from school so she wouldn't walk home by herself and as I walked in I heard a familiar voice yell "LUKA HELP"

I ran upstairs in time to see a woman with frizzy hair and she was useing bendy rulers to hold lyla upside down. I saw then lyla her eyes went blank and then she started walking towards me.

"Shh...listen to Veneration..." she then started running towards me. I ran.

"YOUNG MAN YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THEN TO RUN IN THE HALLS" she called. She then tripped me with her bendy rulers and Lila tackled me but I was able to push her off and saw her tumble down the stairs. "I WILL NOT TOLERATE BULLYING. YOU HAVE BEEN A NAUGHTY CHILD. DETENTION!" she then tied me up with a ruler. And left me. I saw her and Lila head down stairs. "Soon I will have a whole army!" She cackled. As I watched her go down stairs I heard a psst!

"Hey! Luka!" Someone whispered. "Is she gone?" It was y/n hiding behind the door. I look to make sure.

"Coast is clear!" I wispered. She cautiously came out. Then she ran toward me.

"Hold still I'm going to try and pry you out." I felt her feel around my back looking for the end of the ruler. "I'm sorry Luka I will go get some help but I cant find a way to break or untie this."

"Hey is ok y/n." She waved as she ran the opposite direction were the akumatized person last went.

~Marinette pov~

I ran into the bathroom. "TIKKI SPOTS ON YEA!"

~Ladybugs pov~

I ran out of the bathroom. I'm sure glad schools dont have security systems and that no one saw Marinette go in and ladybug go out and no one heard me yell TIKKI SPOTS ON or saw a giant pink flash through the door cuz that would be bad.

(Ok she didnt actually think that but lets pretend)

"Miss Constance?!"

"I AM NO LONGER MISS CONSTANCE, I AM VENERATION!" She then shot a ruler at me.

~Adriens pov~

I heard a loud crash. "Looks like someone needs help!" And I ran to the bathroom. PLAGG CLAWS OUT!

~Chat noir pov~

"Chat! I could really use your help right about now!" She called

I swoop in and try to hit her with my baton. But she blocks me with her rulers.


M'ladys yoyo trys to hit her but again it is block. I jump back. "M'lady, she blocks us with every move! And I dont know which ruler has the akuma!"


A box falls out of the sky.

"Its a miraculous box!"

"Yea well you are not allowed to bring toys to class! CONFISCATE!" Her ruler took the box. Before ladybug got ahold of it.

"That's ok. I know exactly what I need to do!Chat, mind keeping her busy?"

"Anything for you M'lady!" With that Ladybug left.

"Already it's time to teach you a lesson!" I said as I swung my baton around.

"Dont call out in class young man!" She swung her rulers at me.

~ladybugs pov~

I zipped on over to Master Fu.

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