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Note: His: What his nicknames are;
          Yours: What yours are;
Have a nice read 📖 =D


His: Ame, Ami, 'Meri, 'Murika, Hunny, United States of America (Fuck- he is in trouble-)

Yours: N/n (your nickname made by your name, like: My name's Elena and my nickname is Eli), Sweet cheeks, Hunny (You have made something bad, like: broke his phone, stole his tank…), Doll (he's being clingy), Love (he has just woken up), Y/n (your annoying him);


His: Russki (you, my dear reader, is being clingy), Vodka men (annoying, I repeat, annoying), Russian Federation (trouble, he is in trouble), Hunny;

Yours: Sunflower 🌻, Y/n (you are in trouble);


His: Workaholic (taseing, you're taseing), Hunny, Sweetie;

Yours:Sunshine ☀, N/n, Sweetie (Probably needs something), Hunny;


His: Old man (now he is fully ignoring you), BG, Sweetie, Republic of Bulgaria (trouble lamo-);

Yours: Love (when I or someone in the family says it, it is specially rolling out of the tongue), Hunny, Sweetie (translated: "I need something" or he's being inpatient), Kity-cat (just to annoy you)

A/N: See ya in the next chapter 😁 =D

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