c h a p t e r o n e

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Harry was a beautiful man, every girl thought so, and even some guys though that in the case. The 20 year old man with his olive complexion, bright forest eyes, the chestnut brown curls that could me in any style and make him look better than before, well built, tattoos scattered all over his chest and arm, and the smirks that makes ever girl melt. He couldn't help himself that he was a beautiful creature.

The curly haired boy was walking around the streets of England, the busiest street to be exact. It was crawling with girls, some with their friends, whispering and glancing at him as he walked past him, some girls with their boyfriend, drooling over him then paying attention to their lover. Not liked the boy didn't love the attention, more like he wanted more.

As he continued to walk, he would past some girls, wink and them and go on his way. He never cared for the reaction, all he cared for that he knew that they were swooning over him. It just felt natural for him to have girls almost throw themselves at them.

As he reached his destination, he felt his phone vibrate in the back pocket if his jeans. He looked at it and sees his best friend - or his only friend - Louis calling him. He slid his thumb over his screen and sighed.

"Yes Louis?" He asked, the low raspiness laced around every word. He doesn't know how long him and Louis have been friends but it has been almost since they were young kids and their dads worked at the same company.

"Are you done with you errands Haz or are you under the spell of looking at yourself in the fucking reflection of a window?" Louis says softly, with evidence of annoyance in his voice.

"Uhh - " The curly head boy started before his friend cut him off.

"Remember you have to get the coffee and tea mix, the ingredients for dinner with my girlfriend and get the gift I order for her?" Louis groaned in aggravation. He understood that Harry was a nice looking guy and that women live him but that doesn't mean he has to look at himself ever chance he has.

"Yes Lou, thanks for reminding me, I'm on my way to the coffee place and I will get the mix and then get myself a drink. I'll be home and set up the dinner before Eleanor and your family come over." Harry says calmly. When he said Eleanor's name, he cringed in disgust. It's not that he hates her, he would bang her on multiple occasions, but she isn't his type, well she is but he gets really turned off when she talk for too long about about random shit.

"Thanks Harry, see you later." And with that Louis ended the call. Harry slid his phone back in his pocket as he continued to walk.


When he got to the small cafe, he looked around. The nice cozy two story building with a couple of couches scattered out, an island with bar stools around it, coffee and teas all over the place. In the corner, there was a spiral staircase, going up to where I think they hold their stock.

He saw a few people around, mostly on their computers or talking to people around. He saw a girl over behind the counter, sorting out the different teas near the register. Her dark brown hair was pulled in a messy bun, her China bangs covering her forehead. Her gray long sleeve shirt was hugging her sides, complementing her curves. Her black thick rimmed glasses were at the base of her nose. Harry smirked and walked up to her, tapping his finger on the counter.

"Hello, I'm looking for the package of the breakfast tea." The boy says, looking down at the girl. She stopped what she was doing and looked at him, furrowing her eyebrows. Her light brown eyes squinting at him.

"The herbs or in the teabag?" The glasses wearing girl questioned, a light American accent in her voice. Harry examined her face carefully, trying to act like he was staring at something behind her. Her light creamed complexion, her pink lips that were pursed out, the light amount of makeup on her face.

"The teabags." He said, smirking, trying to get the girl to show him admiration, but she kept the same face, her eyes fixed on him, her eyebrows etched together, her lips pursed into a straight line. She soon walked away, going to the shelves, looking for what he wanted. He saw her find it, getting on her tip toes, reaching up as her shirt lifted up in the back, exposing more of her skin. He slowly brought his lip between his teeth, leaning against the counter.

The girl walks back and puts a black box on the counter. She looks at the register and then Harry. "Anything else?" She says, tapping her nimble fingers on the counter.

"Yeah some ground up coffee, a mixture between the vanilla and the regular one." The curly hair boy says, looking at her.

She walks to a different shelf, getting two bags of coffee. She gets a bag and opens it up, pouring the coffee in it. Harry continues to stare at her - more her bum than anything else - in awe. When the brunette came back, she slid it in front of him and walks to the register. After a couple of minutes she finally spoke,

"That £4.35." She says, tapping her fingers on the counter. She prints his receipt and hands it to him.

"Wait you forgot something." The curly haired boy says, looking at the piece of paper. She looks at me with her eyebrows etched together.

"Your number." he says simply, smirking lightly. The girl laughs, almost as a joke.

"Sorry, I don't want to." The girl says, taking out a notebook, writing something down.

"And why is that lovely?" Harry says, leaning against the counter.

"You just aren't a very attractive person in my eyes, almost hideous." She says simply, not looking up.


A/N: hoped you enjoyed my sucky chapters, i know it moves a little fast but you will see why. anyways, i will try to update tomorrow or sunday since this a busy weekend. so on monday and wednesday, there might be an update. fridays defiantly. comment, vote and share. thanks!

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