When the Moon fell in love with the Sun

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'As a gift," said the sun to the moon, "I give you life.

Life to look over and cherish when I'm away,

Keep it safe, love it, and they'll love you, for, after all is said and done,

Love can't exist without something to cherish.

I keep them warm, and close to my heart,

While you can fill them with wonder, and hope

I've seen you dance around me, and if your love is true,

Do the same dance around them; show them the love you show me.

Reflect the light of my love onto them, and they'll know you as my lover,

Always close, always far.

When we join hands, their lives will be filled with evenings of lilac and gold,

And they will know our love."

Said the moon to the sun,

"My love, I will keep them as my own, and we will cherish them as one."

And she did. She kept gracious watch over us all, with nothing but love in her eyes and in her heart.

There were many who loved her back,

Those with stars in their eyes, and freedom in their souls,

Who gazed into the velvet night, leaning out windows,

splayed on a grassy bed, or dancing around an open fire.

All who saw her fell in love, and she fell in love with all.

From her throne, nothing remained hidden,

And she cold see the light, and the dark. The beauty, and the ugly.

It was the ugly that scarred her.

She saw the heartbreak, and felt her own splinter.

She saw the hate, which she took personally.

She saw the greed, and the jealousy, and felt anger, and misery,

And experienced all emotions with come with the night,

Yet she withstands it all,

Out of her love for the sun.

And, though morning would always return, unwaveringly bright, promising, and though the moon always had to leave, for she had seen too much, she always returned. For, as long as the moon and the sun exist, their love will endure, and they will love us as their own.

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