"The pen is mightier than the sword", Edward Bulwer-Lytton

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A weapon is poised,

ready to strike

to attack

to defend the barren wasteland, smoothest ocean,

the depth of space, or a hopeless home.

It shifts,

a twitch,

a sign of life?

No, wait, it stills. No threat has arrived,

it doesn't yet need to defend honour, expect against one;

It's called "the Destroyer"

"The Eraser,"

hell bent

on smiting all traces of joy – white-knight façade,

it chases the night from the spotless day.

The yellow-black

of dawn

doesn't wait,

welcoming the night's escape, warriors duplicate and wait

for the right time, the message, cue, feeling

like ice,

a pinprick,

a desperate, passionate

love, when moment strikes, as the new sun rises,

stabbing scratches, a cry victorious;

a word is written.

The war is won.


This I wrote while procrastinating Hamlet revision, I showed my English teacher and he didn't even mind the lack of notes! It's probably only the 3rd or 4th draft, but I had such a flash of inspiration in the quote that I just bashed out an almost finished product in about 10 minutes flat. I hope you like it!

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