Chapter 1

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Arlos PoV

     I cracked open my eyes, the white lights monetarily blinding me. Even after 19 years of the same bright lights, I wasn't used to it. Had it been 19 years? I never really kept count. I hear a door open and I tilt my head to the side. My arms and legs were strapped down with thick leatherish bands, along with one around my waist. I saw several scientists who I don't think I've ever seen before. They have a cart with a bunch of needles and vials of strange liquid.
     "Log entry 285, today we will be testing the formula on 103. Their DNA has been shown to be the most compatible." I usually got the gist of what they were gonna do to me based on their 'log entries'. Don't ask me why they do that, I couldn't answer if I tried. I closed my eyes again and braced myself for a shock, pain, or spontaneous combination. I hissed quietly as I felt them stick the needle in my neck. Suddenly I felt like I was on fire. My bones felt like they were breaking and reforming over and over again. I had never felt something like this before. I cried out in pain, was this what dying felt like? Suddenly sirens start blaring and I hear roaring. I was almost interested in what was going on out there. The scientist start panicking and locked the doors.
      I howled, a real wolf sounding howl. Every part of my body was in searing pain. I growled and thrashed around. The scientist moved to hold me down. On top of the pain, there was a strange sensation on my head and tail bone. I snarled,  my eyes snapping open. I wanted to kill something, and so I did. I was in almost a trance as I snapped the restraints and swung at one of the people. It hit them square in the chest and there were huge gash marks. I heard them shouting and I lept of the table. I lunged at another one killing them easily. I looked down at my blood-soaked claws. Claws? My arms had changed, grown longer, got fur the same golden color as my hair, and grew long sharp claws. I snarled and whipped around to see the last on opening the door trying to get out. I charged slamming them forwards. We both tumbled into the hall and I snapped his neck. I heard shouting, the sirens still blaring. I looked around but didn't see any guards.
      I sniffed the air, I could smell a different kind of air. Different from the stale air in the lab. I ran towards it, was that the outside? I heard shouting behind me. I dropped onto all fours. I could feel my body changing. I saw a muzzle grown out of my face. I let out a growl and charged forwards. I saw a huge hole in the wall, I ran at it. I leaped through it and tackled the guard blocking it. I raced through the forest dodging trees and rocks. I slowed to a halt panting. I heard my bones cracking and my body shifting back to normal. Before I knew it I was crouched on the ground at a normal person again. Well almost. My legs were still covered in fur and bent like an animal, my arms also had fur but they weren't as bulky as before and my claws were duller. I looked behind me to see a fluffy tail and I felt ears on my head. I could also hear, smell, and see better than ever before.  I looked around where I was. Everything around me were colors I'd never seen before, and the ground was so soft. The air smelt cleaner and nicer than in the lab. I stood up straight and started walking around. I could smell so many strange things, I could hear what I only imagine to be birds.
      Then I smelt something really strange. It didn't smell like anything else out here. It kinda smelt like the lab, but not like the guards. I started walking towards it following the scent. It kinda smells like metal, mixed with some other sent that I couldn't quite identify. I'm not sure why but I felt like I needed to find it. I peeked through the trees and bushes. My eyes widened. I head heard the scientist talking about it but never got to see it. It had long clawed arms, curved legs, a long smooth tail with a hook-like blade on their tail, horns coming from the front of their head that curved back. They hand longish fluffy-looking black hair, with pale skin. Their eyes were unlike anything I'd ever seen before. Then again I hadn't seen very much. They had big, but not innocent-looking, eyes that were pure golden-orange with Xs for pupils. I was mesmerized, they were so pretty to look at. I found myself staring into their eyes. Then I realized they were looking right at me and I panicked. This could easily, and probably would kill me.
      I quickly turned and started running, I ran as fast as I could. My ears perked and I could hear it following me. I let out a whine and ran faster trying to lose it. Soon I didn't hear it or see it anymore. I slowed to a stop panting. My lungs felt like they were on fire. Then I heard a snap from up above. I looked up just in time to see the creature drop down from a branch above me. I yelped as it landed on me, pinning me down. I was on my stomach and I could feel its sharp claws pricking my back. My ears flattened against my head and I whimpered and shut my eyes, waiting for the blow. It never came. I cracked open one eye, it was just sniffing me. I'm not sure why but being near this... thing? It felt right. Like I was supposed to be with him. I'm pretty sure they felt it too because they slowly got off me. They grabbed my arm tightly and watched me carefully as I sat up.
     "Don't run away again," he said with a growl and I quickly nodded. While I felt like I needed to be around him I was still absolutely terrified. I was shaking and my tail was tucked under my body. I guess he noticed how scared I was because he pulled me forwards. I was sitting on his lap, his long arms wrapped around my body. His tail had coiled around one of my legs, and his face was buried in my neck. My breathing had slowed to a normal pace and I relaxed against his body. I closed my eyes and my tail starts wagging a bit. This damn tail was gonna show all of my emotions, wasn't it? The man seemed to purr, clearly noticing my tail. He hummed and licked my collar bone causing me to shudder and squirm on his lap. He chucked and moved my shirt so my shoulder was exposed. I didn't know what he was doing, but he bit my shoulder. I yelped and tried to get away but he was much stronger than me and held me in place. It only hurt for a moment before pleasure took over my body. I have no idea what he was doing but it felt good, and I sure as Hell didn't want him to stop. I relaxed again, my body completely pressed against his. He stopped whatever he was doing and I whimpered. He chuckled and I looked at my shoulder. There was a huge black mark. I twisted my head around to look at it.
      "Wh... What?" I asked quietly. It still hurt to talk from an experiment they did a few days ago and I coughed. He hummed and nuzzled my neck.
     "It's a marking," he said in a low voice. "It shows that your mine." He licked my neck again. My eyes widened a bit. What did he mean by his? Like an experiment? Was he going to hurt me like they did? I whimpered and his head snapped up. "How long have you been in that lab?" he asked as if realizing something.
     "A...all my l-life..." I said quietly. He sighed and nuzzled my neck again. It seemed to be calming for both myself and him.
     "So you don't know..." I heard him mutter. I looked down at him, confused. He stared into my eyes for a long time. God, I loved those eyes. I could tell he was considering something. I squirmed slightly in his lap, tail curling around my side. He let out a soft sign and ran his claws through my hair, gently scraping them along my scalp. He chuckled and shook his head. "Never thought my mortal would be a wolf born," he muttered and I tilted my head. What is a wolf born?
      My body felt heavy, and my eyes kept closing. I was exhausted from everything that happened today. He started moving, lifting me off his lap, and I whined in complaint. He shushed me and picked me up in his arms and started carring me somewhere. What happened was a bit of a blur, but the next thing I knew we were in a small cave. It was really small, barely enough room for both of us, but the entrance was hidden by bushes. I was laying on his chest, my face buried in his neck. His arms were wrapped around my waist. He was so unbelievably warm. It felt so nice, I closed my eyes and quickly fell into a deep sleep. For the first time in my life, I felt safe.


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