Mal and her friends (Evie, Jay, and Carlos), were busy playing in daycare today. Mal was busy solving a puzzle, Evie was dressing up dolls, Carlos was hugging a teddy bear, and Jay was shaking his baby rattle. The four of them were busy enjoying their time alone on the ABC rug, but that was until Uma crawled up to them. Not just that, but she also had her friends crawl with her too (Harry and CJ Hook, and Gil). "What, Uma?", Mal asked her. Here's something that no villain on the Isle ever knew about their babies: They could talk whenever they're not around. Some babies in the daycare were still young, and couldn't communicate yet. But Mal and a few other Vks could. "I just came up to see what were you losers doing on the rug. This is my spot, so go away!", Uma said to Mal. Mal put down her puzzle piece and gave Uma a dirty look. "Why should we? We were here, first!", she told Uma off. "She actually does have a point.", Gil added in. The group looked at him for a second, as he just stayed silent. "What's that you have there?, Harry asked while crawling up to Evie. "This is my doll. I'm busy putting a new dress on her.", she told Harry in her shy voice. "Really? Because I think that she'll look good for my sister!", Harry said as he grabbed the doll out of Evie's hand. However, Evie wasn't going to let go. The two of them were now fighting over the doll, and it was like a game of tug of war. "Give me it!", Harry said while continuing to pull the doll. "No! Let go of her!", Evie said as she hit Harry in the face with a baby rattle. This caused Harry to let go of the doll, and to put his hands on his face. "Harry, are you okay?", Gil asked his friend. "She hit me! What the ****!", Harry shouted. However, everyone went silent after hearing what he just shouted. "What did you just say?", Jay asked looking so surprised. "I said, ****!", Harry answered him. Everyone was still silent after hearing the last word he said again. "Where did you learn that word?", Uma asked him. "From our dad. He saw a crocodile last night, and he was so scared. We don't know what the word means, but it sounds tough to us!", CJ explained to the babies. "Well, it kind of sounds cool. We can use that word to describe something.", Mal said. "Like what?", Carlos asked while continuing to hug his stuffed bear. "Like... This puzzle for instance! It is so ******* hard to solve!", Mal said while pointing at her unfinished puzzle. Everyone then agreed with her, but Uma didn't. "Hold on! That sounds lame! Matter of fact, it sounds so ******* lame, to me! *Gasp* I-I said it!", Uma said while adding the word in as well. She then smiled after using the word to describe how much she hated Mal's example. "See, I told you that it makes you tough.", CJ said as the babies agreed. Next thing you know, they all started to say it more throughout the entire day while the daycare teacher wasn't looking. "I ******* love this word!", Mal said.
At Jay's House:
Jafar was busy stacking up the shelves in his store, and Jay was in his high chair eating some rotten grapes. "Son, so far I stole a great amount of things today for the store. I can't wait until you grow up to take over the family business! What do you have to say about that?", Jafar said in a happy tone. However, Jay wasn't listening. He just kept on snacking on his grapes. But as he did, he dropped one that he was about to eat. This got him mad, and the urge to scream. "****!", he shouted. As he did, Jafar turned around immediately and dropped a vase onto the floor. As it shattered, he walked up to his son all surprised. "Did you just say, what I think you said?....", he asked as Jay gave him a smile. He then went back to eating his grapes, and his father was still frozen after hearing what he shouted.
At Evie's House:
The Evil Queen was busy applying makeup on Evie, and she kept on telling her daughter to keep still. "Evie! Stop moving your head! I need to make sure that your eyebrows look good!", she told her daughter. As she looked at her daughter's eyebrows, she grabbed a pair of tweezers and plucked one of her eyebrows off. "*Baby Whine* ****!", Evie shouted after feeling a bit of pain. Her mother then gasped after hearing what she shouted. "E-Evie! Where-Where did you- Oh....", the Evil Queen said as she fainted on the floor. Evie let out a cute giggle, as she applied on some lipstick.
At Carlos's House:
Cruella De'vil came into the living room to find her son playing with his broken cars on the floor. Not just that, but she saw that he was on her favorite fur rug. "CARLOS! NOT ON THE RUG!", she shouted. She then went over to pick up her son, and took him to the nursery. "I think that it's time for mommy to put her precious puppy down for a nap.", Cruella said to her son. As she was about to put Carlos in the crib, Carlos decided to throw a fit; he hated nap time. "Enough of this, Carlos! You are going to take a nap! Whether you want to or not!", Cruella said as she placed her son in the crib. And as she was about to leave the room, Carlos looked up from the crib and shouted at her. "****!", he said directly to her. This got Cruella to stop at the door, and to look at her son after what he just said. "Where on earth did you hear such foul language like that?!", she asked in an angry tone. Carlos then just sat quietly for a second, and Cruella got her answer immediately. "Wait, I know! HORACE! JASPER! WHERE ARE YOU TWO IDIOTS?!", Cruella said while walking out the door to find her henchmen. Carlos then let out a giggle and decided to get some sleep.
At Mal's House:
Mal was sitting in her high chair, as Maleficent brung in her dinner. "Here you go, Mal.", she said while giving Mal a plate of moldy broccoli and potatoes. Mal didn't like vegetables at all, so she decided to scream. This caused Maleficent to get angry. "Stop this infernal crying at once! Eat your food now, or there will be no dessert!", she told her daughter. Mal then threw her food onto the floor, and she shouted at her mother. "****!", she shouted. Maleficent spit out her drink after hearing that word coming out of her own daughter's mouth. "Mal! Where on earth did you hear that word?!", she asked her daughter in anger. Mal then made a pirate hook with her finger and said the cutest little "Arrgh" ever. Maleficent found out what she was talking about, and slapped her horns. "Captain Hook, I've should've known! I'll be right back... Mommy has to pay Hook "a little visit". You just sit there...", Maleficent said while leaving the dining room. Mal then looked a bit confused about what her mother was going to do, as she also looked down at her dinner that was still spilled on the floor. "Well that's just ******* great!", she told herself. The End!

Disney Descendants: The Vks Childhood Stories
FantasyThis story talks about how the Vks acted as children. Find out what they've been up to when they were little.