Uma's Back Story:
Uma is the daughter of Ursula, AKA the sea witch. She was not just half human half fish, she was also a pirate. Her mother was a trouble maker back then when she use to live under the sea in Atlantica. She was sent off to the isle of the lost after she was caught with the crime of trying to get rid of Princess Ariel, Her father King Triton, Prince Eric, and for trying to crown herself ruler of the ocean. While living in the filthy isles water under the sea, she had a daughter named Uma. Uma was always treated badly on the isle. While growing up, she would always be rejected by any group, she was forced to work at her mother's restaurant "Ursula's Fish And Chips", and she would always be bullied by Mal. But she did redeem herself after starting her own pirate gang with her friends Harry & Gil, and planning to take over the world so everyone can know what's her name. Like her mother always told her "The people on land are poor unfortunate souls!"Mini Baby Story:
Ursula was in her under water potions lab with her daughter. She looked at Uma and said "Uma! I want you to sing for me, so I can test out to see if my necklace still works." Uma then shook her head "no", which made Ursula very mad. "What?!", she said as Uma looked a bit afraid. She looked at her daughter again and said "Sing for me, Now!" Uma then started to sing a mini melody of "twinkle, twinkle, little star" with her baby voice, and Ursula used her necklace to collect her voice. After she stopped singing, she couldn't talk. Ursula let out a laugh and said "Oh Uma, some day this will be all yours!"

Disney Descendants: The Vks Childhood Stories
FantasíaThis story talks about how the Vks acted as children. Find out what they've been up to when they were little.