Today in daycare today, everyone was busy playing with puzzles, toys, and games with each other as well. Including, the main four. Mal and the gang were busy talking amongst themselves in the back of the class room, until the daycare teacher, Madam Tremaine, made an announcement. "Children! It's just almost about lunch time. Today's meal: rotten salads with out of date chicken nuggets.", she told the children. Afterwards, everyone went back to play. However, Mal and the others weren't amused anymore. "Ew! I hate that it's veggie week again!", she said as the others agreed with her statement. "Well, we have no choice. It's either that, or we starve till dinner time.", Evie said. Jay started to giggle as he got up from the floor. "I know that feeling. I mean, it's not like we can do anything about it; like cancel the vegetables for lunch today and have the cafeteria make us something different.", he said to the group. The others agreed with him, but Mal got something in her head. "Guys! That's it! If we just get rid of all the vegetables in the cafeteria, then they'll have to make us all something different!", she said. They all looked at her for a second, and agreed. "Wait! Really? But how?", Carlos asked while hugging his teddy bear. Mal then gave an adorable evil smirk, and her eyes turned green. "We do it the "rotten" way...", she said as everyone understood what she meant. "I don't get it...", Carlos said.
Twenty Minutes Before Lunch, In the Cafeteria:
Lady Tremaine and Dr. Facilier were walking by the cafeteria, until one of them dropped their cracked coffee mugs onto the floor. They both gasped as they saw the entire cafeteria. All the rotten and out of date foods were all gone. The overcooked food stand was empty, as well as the rotten vegetable stand, and the expired dessert stand. They both looked in shock as they saw what's happened. What they didn't know, was that Mal and the others were hiding inside the kitchen of the cafeteria. Each of them were on each other's shoulder, as Jay peeked out the window and saw the entire conversation Lady Tremaine and Dr. Facilier were having. "All- All the food... It's- It's all gone...", Dr. Facilier said while looking around the entire cafeteria line. "How very suspicious.", Lady Tremaine added. After looking at the empty stands, Dr. Facilier looked back at her. "Well then, shall we cancel the lunch for this week and ask the goblins to prep up something else horrible?", he asked. The others were still waiting to see what they were talking about outside, until Jay looked down at them all happy. "They're canceling the lunch!", he told the group as they all smiled. However, they all heard someone else outside. Turns out that the headmaster of the school, Claude Frollo, came in. "Don't bother falling for this at all. Turns out that all the food was taken into the janitor's closet. I hope those four little brats love having their lunches in immediate timeout.", he told Lady Tremaine and Dr. Facilier. They both turned mar in the face and heard laughter coming from the kitchen. As all three of them opened the door, they saw Mal and the gang laughing. "Ahem!", Lady Tremaine said as the four stopped laughing. They all looked up in fright, as all three of them crossed their arms and looked mad at the children. "Uh oh...", the four of them said at the exact same time.
Lunchtime, In the Timeout Room:
Frollo sat at his desk, as he watched the four sitting at their tables with the lunch they were having today: out of date chicken nuggets and rotten vegetables with smelly melted cheese on top. Carlos poked his moldy broccoli with his fork and looked disgusted. "Eww!!! How are we supposed to eat this stuff if we all don't even like vegetables?!", he said out loud. "Carlos, what did you think when Mal said we were going to do this the "rotten" way?", Evie reminded him. "It was all according to plan! What better way to make vegetables least disgusting than to add in some smelly cheese on top of it?", Mal told the group as she picked up her piece of the covered broccoli and ate it. And surprisingly, she didn't look that disgusted at all. Carlos then picked up his piece of veggies and ate them too. And to the four's surprise, the vegetables tasted least disgusting than they expected. "Wow, Mal! You're right! This stuff does taste least disgusting! They cheese makes the veggies least rotten. Or is it, least sticky? What were we doing again?", Carlos said to the others. They all laughed and got through another day of lunch. And just like what Mal said, it was done the "rotten" way. The End!

Disney Descendants: The Vks Childhood Stories
FantasyThis story talks about how the Vks acted as children. Find out what they've been up to when they were little.