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8 kids surrounded the small grey stone.

They'd been searching almost all their lives for this, and they finally found it. 

A girl, around 11 or 10 years old, touched it, then frowning. "Nothing happened." A pale girl across from her stared at her for a second. "You have to touch THE CRYSTAL, ADRI!" She yelled. The girl, that we now know as Adri, flinched a bit, and whispered a 'fine', then speaking up. "Any ideas on how to break this rock without hurting the crystal?" A different kid, who almost looked like a replica of the pale girl, questioned "Why does it matter if we break it or not? It would still work, that's what the book said, right?" "Yeah, but-...whatever." Adri huffed, then turned to a boy, who tilted his head questioningly at her. "Go get a hammer or something."

The boy ran off, and the room burst into chatter. The twins talked among themselves, about what would happen. "What do you think you'll be granted?" "I don't know, Coral. This is the 16th time today.." "I think it would be ice, because you're really cold to everyone!" "Shut up!" Two other kids snickered at the twins' bickering, then looking at each other, smiling. It was evident that they were the best of friends, as they started to talk about whatever.  Across the room, were two girls, they didn't talk to each other, but they acknowledged the other's presence. One was spacing out, staring at the sunflower she had brought with her. The other looked at all her friends, wondering how all these people, so different from one another, could be so close.

The boy came back up, with a hammer that he had found, then walked to Adri, tapping her shoulder. Adri jumped, then turned around. "Don't scare me like that!" The boy just smiled, handing her the hammer. She took it, and cleared her throat.


Everyone gathered over, and Adri gripped the hammer. She swung at the rock once, cracking it. She swung again, and again. After a while, a small blue light started to glow. "Don't swing again!" Coral yelled. Adri obeyed, and put down the hammer. She used her hands to try to separate the now weak rock away, and get the crystal they were looking for. While she was doing this, her finger hit something. Almost immediately, a warm feeling shot through her. She gasped a bit, and took her arm back, then looking back at the rock.

She'd touched the crystal.

The others gasped happily, and they had each taken turns in touching the crystal, each one feeling the same feeling that Adri had felt. "So, do we have powers..?" The girl who had brought a sunflower asked. "I don't know, Rose, how do you think we're supposed to know?"  The other of the sisters replied sarcastically. at the same time, one of the other girls screamed a bit, as everyone turned to her, they discovered that she was soaked in water, with Coral apologizing repeatedly. She paused for a second, then said- "I can manipulate water."

A bit later, almost everyone had practiced their powers, except for Adri. She wanted to see everyone's powers, and then save hers for last. She looked at everyone, then smiled. She closed her eyes, and focused on using her power. When she opened her eyes, her friends had passed out. 'What did I do?!'  Her question got answered, when the phrase 'Mind Erased' popped up in her mind. Adri's eyes widened, and she looked at the 6 sleeping kids. "Hey, where did he go..?"

The boy walked back to the room, freezing when he saw Adri and his other friends. 
"What happened..?" Adri turned around. "I-I mind erased them." "WHAT?" "HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT WAS MY POWER?!" One of the girls stirred a bit, and they both went quiet. The boy looked at Adri. "I suppose that makes sense...whatever you mind erased them of, they have to get back home safely, without them getting worried of where they are or whatever." "How do we do that..?" "I figured my power was telekinesis. I can float them back to their homes." "Okay then."

(Tiiiiime skip like two years later)

Adri lived a life with guilt. That's why she had been able to coax her family into moving away. So that she could forget her mistake. However, it seemed to follow her wherever she went. The only thing that still comforted her was that boy. She hung out with him, he was her only friend. She was currently waiting for him to come to a small make-shift play they'd made. He was pretty late already, but that was okay, he was usually late to things like these. She was watching TV, when a certain news headline caught her eye. She turned up the volume, and then she saw the picture. "13 YEAR OLD D-" She switched the TV off. It wasn't him, was it? No, it's not. He'll just be here in another thirty minutes or so...

Adri was now in her room again, crying, trying to keep herself composed. She didn't want any of this to happen, everyone she'd tried to befriend, they'd have something bad happen to them. She didn't like this. She wanted people to live happier, bright lives. So, from that day, she vowed never to make friends, for people's sake. Just as she was about to drift off to sleep, she thought she saw a flicker of red, and a boy in a mask....

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