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Eva smiled sweetly for the hundredth time; helping people wasn't that fun when everyone wanted it, even for an angel. She excused herself, walking out into the hallway, cringing at the wild screams of a teacher yelling at her student for ignoring her even though she'd practically yelled at her to listen multiple times, and made her way to the restroom, the one place where nobody would bother her, at school, at least.

She fiddled with the pure white necklace around her neck, that was stuck with her. It gave her the wings of an angel, and the ability to charge blasts of some white light, she didn't really know what it was, though. Eva remembered how she got it, just waking up in her bed with feathers everywhere, and a glowy thingy on her. She was sure that she woke up all the neighbors in the apartment complex that day.

She giggled about that, that was, what? 2 years ago? 3 years? Something like that. She'd gotten used to the wings, and she was glad that they could be turned invisible. Although, it did make sitting down in a crowded room quite a hassle. Along with the literal angel part, her personality was like that of one. She was sweet, kind, lovable..basically, perfect. She didn't really like it, to be honest. That was more or less because of the people around her, who used her. She made a mental note to ask her mom if she could be homeschooled next year.

Just at that time, she jumped a bit at the sudden racket next door. Damn it. She was right next to the music room, wasn't she? Well, that defeated any purpose of her staying here, she was horrible at focusing with that stuff in the background! Whatever, she just decided to leave, and go back to the mess they call a classroom.


"The violas are out of tune. Again."

Ah, music class, Ari's favorite class! It was wonderful, so perfect! Drastically different from the horrors of algebra, the torture of athletics! It never made her tired! Nothing could beat the beautiful sounds of the school's orchestra!

Okay, maybe she was exaggerating a little bit.

The violas WERE always out of tune, but they couldn't help it, alright? And the violins? Okay, yeah, they might be a little off timing, but it wasn't nothing too bad! Yeah, there's no trombones and basses, but it's not like they mattered! Okay, fine. The orchestra wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either. And anyways, Ari's singing saved the show, or at least that was what she was told, which she thought was probably true.

And, it was. The girl obviously had a talent for singing, and it was obvious. However, what went unknown to everyone other than the girl herself, was that her voice could both, harm and help people. 

It was nice, but it meant she had to focus on which one she wanted to use every time, which was a bit of an hassle, but whatever, it was pretty useful, and plus, it gave her a neat little purple crystal thing, which looked cute, and was basically like her mascot. 

In the midst of thinking all of this, she heard it.

The dreaded bell.

Children flooded into the hallways, while some were still packing up in their rooms. Ari was part of the former, and as a result, knocked herself into someone. That someone being, what was her name? Oh, Evangeline. The probably nicest person in the school. The kind girl smiled at her, apologizing profusely. "Okay, okay, it's not something THAT bad." Ari looked at her in the eyes, mostly to see her reaction. "Ahaha, it just becomes a habit at this point, sorry-" Eva realized she'd said it again, and chuckled a bit, while Ari gave her a small smile in return. "So, what's your next class?"


Adri trudged through the crowded hallways, cursing internally at herself for not having the bright idea to bring a hoodie. Some people gave confused looks, but most ignored her, and that was just what she needed. She was new here. Actually, let's put that in a better sentence. She left this town, seemingly for good in the 7th grade, only to come back now, in the 11th grade. However, most people never really acknowledged her existence, and most of the ones that did already forgot her, and probably still have.

She looked at the room, and the room given on her crumpled piece of paper that looked miserable. She made a point in her mind to stop crumpling paper, it's a waste, and think of the trees!

She walked in, and immediately sat by the window. Trees, trees everywhere. She loved them because of their vibrant colours, and the scenery the provided, always looking beautiful. Scenery was one of the reasons why she sat by the window. She could gaze out, and not get bored. Ever. Beauty, just, true beauty.

She awoke from her thoughts by multiple taps on the shoulder, from a girl with auburn hair and green eyes. Evidently, she sat next to her, and evidently, she wanted to talk. 

"What do you want?"

"To be friends? Is that too much to ask?" She seemed nice enough, whatever, just have a conversation here, get over with it, and leave. "Okay then. Hello, I'm Adrienne, who are you?"
"Hiiii there, I'm Rose, nice to meet 'cha!" The name felt familiar to Adri, but she brushed that off. There were too many people in the world named Rose. "Nice to meet you too, or whatever.." The girl gave her a bored expression. "You don't seem to be very happy 'bout comin' here, yeah?" Adri's response was an eyeroll. "I mean, most people here are nice, I swear-" "I used to go to middle school here, mkay? Yes, I know what the people here are like." Rose seemed confused. "Then, you should be hangin' out with your friends in the hallways, like everyone else does." "Good job, you've figured it out." "Figured what ou-" "That I don't have any friends." Rose stayed quiet for a bit, before responding. "..And with that kinda attitude, you ain't gonna get any."

Both girls seemed annoyed, and Rose sat down. It was around this time that Adri noticed she had a little necklace. Rose pulled it out, starting to fiddle with the diamond-shaped thing..that was glowing...pinkish-red-


Was that...

a crystal?


Merry Halloween, guys! I finished this chapter, and y'all have finished finding all the main characters! I'm actually kind of proud of the story so far, but I have really, no idea of where it'll go from now. So, let the randomness begin, I guess? Hehe-

Yes, it'll take a while for each part to come out, because I don't always feel like writing, and I don't have an update schedule. Sorry 'bout that. But, I hope you enjoy the rest of Memories!

                                                                - Amb

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